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Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights

Protest "Kill Gays" Singer Buju Banton and House of Blues This Wednesday

Who: Buju Banton
Where: House of Blues
329 North Dearborn
When: Sept 13 at 7 PM
Dancehall musician Buju Banton, who graphically advocates killing gays in his song lyrics, is scheduled to perform on Wednesday, September 13 at the House of Blues, 329 N. Dearborn, Chicago.

In his song "Boom, Bye Bye" Banton urges people to shoot gay men in the head, pour acid over them, and burn them alive.

No mainstream club would book acts which call for the death of other groups of people, but current House of Blues management has repeatedly booked "artists" who call for killing gays. Despite repeated protests, this is the fourth time in the last two years that the Chicago club has slated a performer from the "kill gays" genre.

The Gay Liberation Network and Black LGBT and Allies For Equality have called for a protest to begin at 7 PM, Wednesday, September 13 (doors to the club open at 7:30 PM with Banton's performance set for 9 PM).

The Gay Liberation Network recently learned that the House of Blues chain of clubs was being purchased by entertainment giant, Live Nation. By certified letter to Live Nation's President, Bruce Eskowitz, GLN asked for a meeting to discuss no longer booking acts which advocate violence against gays.

In a written response, but without agreeing to a meeting, Live Nation refused to ban booking of "kill gays" performers. A reply will be announced at the protest. It will likely include a specific demand concerning named performers. A wholesale boycott against all performances at the club cannot be ruled out.



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