An Open Letter To All U.S. Military Service Men and Women
From and By Lloyd Hart
911 was an inside job. In fact it was planned and executed by your commanding officers that sit as the joint chiefs in cooperation with the criminal civilian element who the generals aided in the theft of the elections in 2000, 2002 and 2004 with phony military absentee ballot. I know it's hard nut for you to swallow but you were warned by General Eisenhower to beware of the Military Industrial Complex." And I know many of you who know the truth of what happened to the Air National Guard on that fateful september day in 2001 have deep regrets about not saying anything for fear that you might be marginalized, forced to retire or even worse, killed. But now that this criminal element in the White House and in the Pentagon has guaranteed that there will never be free and fair elections in America ever again you must lift your heads and look at the truth in the light of day.
This War On Terror is Bogus
Michael Meacher
Septmber 6, 2003
The Guardian,1320,1036772,00.html
All of you that are in Iraq and Afghanistan, on your way to Iraq and Afghanistan or have come back and/or are stationed on alert in the war on terrorism are not fighting terrorism but are committing acts of terror for the sake of American economic and now environmental dominance in the world. If you control the oil, you control the price of oil. If you control the oil, your tank's, fighter jets, troop transports and ships will never go hungry and you can crush any peasant uprising any where. If you control the oil, you control what currency it will be traded in and that currency is U.S. currency. Essentially you're killing men, women and children and laying your own lives down so that the U.S. military-industrial complex can control what's left of the world's scant resources and prepare fortress America for a violent military reaction towards the world's poor that will continue to become a mass sea of refuggees that are and will be seeking food and shelter from the series of catastrophes that have already begun to befall us as a result of global warming, climate change and the destruction of the world's forests.
Katrina was just the beginning of what is coming at us over the next ten years and beyond.
The War On Terror is merely just a smoke screen for what is the military-industrial complex's reaction to global warming. If you do not believe me then why did the National Security Agency - the hub of all military intelligence within the Pentagon - invest millions into studying the recession of a global ice packs in Antarctica, the Arctic and throughout the world's mountain glaciers.
Pentagon Climate Study Titled: Abrupt Climate Change.
Abrupt Climate Change actual report pdf
What you are doing in Iraq is committing an international war crime which you will be hated for the rest of your lives by the overwhelming majority of the people on this earth. And you are committing these war crimes on behalf of people who are getting wealthy and more powerful beyond your imagination over the blood you spill and the personal sacrifice you make.
What came out of the Nuremberg trials was very clear. If you are given an order that is a crime against humanity then you must refuse to carry out that order and in fact place the officer that gave the order under arrest. You have had more than enough time to study the issue of why George Bush ordered U.S. forces into Iraq.
With the Internet at your disposal if you have not yet figured out that 911 was an inside job and that the war on Iraq and Afghanistan is simply about control of the oil in the entire region and you are more than happy to kill men, women and children for the sake of the American occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan then you had better be prepared to eventually defend that position in the International War Crimes Tribunal.
Veterans For Truth
As trained soldiers you have been sworn to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies foreign and domestic. I accuse all of you who are presently serving in active duty of violating the oath you took and falling down while on duty enabling a criminal enterprise that has turned America into a tyrannical dictatorship.
I call on you to correct this behavior of just following orders at once and place those responsible for perpetrating this criminal enterprise called of the War On Terror under arrest to await trial for war crimes and violations of the Constitution of the United States of America.
If you choose not to honor the oath you took it can then only be assumed that you are involved in this ongoing criminal enterprise called the War On Terror and indeed must faced criminal charges at the International War Crimes Tribunal where you will have a chance to explain why you chose cowardice over your sworn oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies foreign and domestic. Thank you
for reading this letter and I pray you choose courage over cowardice in your response to this letter.
Yours Truly
Lloyd Hart