A former Army military intelligence and public affairs officer uses his smarts and experience to issue a warning for 9/11/06, pointing at the signs of a possible second 9/11 attack on the fifth 9/11 anniversary! This is a must-read for all who have questions about politics and the 9/11 attack, who is concerned that another attack is near.
RED ALERT: 9/11/06
( Chicago , Detroit & Houston )
Four-Square Analysis: The Who and Why
Almost five years after the first 9/11, all America is divided into three
equal parts, and all of them have strong beliefs:
A third says it just doesn't trust this government, citing Iraq or
Katrina as the main reasons why. They want to get out of the war in Iraq
and stay out of the war with Iran .
A third says it simply hates this government, and wants to remove it for
ordering or allowing 9/11 five years ago to take us to war in the Middle
East . They say the media covered up 9/11 and is setting up the second,
follow-up 9/11, so they use the Internet to get around the media, and the
media calls them conspiracy theorists.
A third says it supports the government, which is run by the Neocon
Republicans, and who now say that the only way to win the global war is to
start a world war. Almost five years after 9/11, their war has been an utter
failure, and they are fighting mad about it. In recent days they have
threatened consequences for their foreign and domestic enemies, calling the
one group fascists and the other appeasers. The joke in Washington now is
that they'll need Osama Bin Laden to save the Republican Congress on the
11/7 elections, or to save their president from impeachment afterwards.
The Neocons wrote their "Project for a New American Century" world
domination plan in 2000, stating in it that the US would be difficult to
lead to war without "some catastrophic and catalyzing event -- like a new
Pearl Harbor ." 9/11 was just the kind of thing they'd wanted, and on the
night of 9/11, their president wrote in his diary that "the Pearl Harbor of
the 21st Century took place today," and the next day they began their war
They have used the threat of Al Qaeda in the last two elections, but the
threats aren't budging falling poll numbers any more. Only a second 9/11
might reverse this slide, and energize the public -- like a another new
Pearl Harbor . If it were to happen, they could lead the nation to a second
war, this time with Iran instead of Iraq ; they could shut up appeasers at
home; and if necessary they could arrest, confine and prosecute the
conspiracy theorists who think that the government had anything to do with
either the first or the second 9/11.
The media has spent five years saying that a second 9/11 is inevitable,
and all this summer they've said that homegrown terrorists in Canada ,
Florida and the UK are planning to blow us up in our buildings, airplanes
and tunnels. Last week they said Homeland Security was setting up terror
exercises in major Midwestern cities around 9/11/06, to protect us. The
conspiracy theorists don't feel protected, though, since they have learned
that on 9/11/01 the US government was holding exercises to protect us from
the very attacks that happened to us, and on 7/7/05 the UK government was
holding exercises to protect their citizens from the very attacks that
happened to them. To conspiracy theorists, it's clear that the terror
exercises were setting up the terror events.
Three Targets and Times: The Where and When
CHICAGO, 9/7/06: Chicago has major terror exercises on 9/7, four days
before 9/11/06. Recently the Chicago Sun-Times carried the story "Daley:
Loop evacuation drill to be spontaneous" --
www.suntimes.com/output/news/evac28.html. The media says that Al
Qaeda once wanted to destroy the Sears Tower ago on 9/11/01, and once Al
Qaeda has chosen a target, they're sure to strike it sooner or later. Just
this spring media said that Al Qaeda was casing the Sear Tower , and just
this summer they said that a Florida Al Qaeda cell was planning to blow it
up. Citizens of the Windy City were terrified during the strange 7/11
train derailment in one of their underground tunnels. When it happened
everyone on the train immediately thought of the London 7/7 train bombings
of just over a year before -- and of the Bombay 7/11 train bombings of that
very day. They believed their city was the next terror target, and they may
still be right.
DETROIT, 9/9/06: Detroit has major terror exercises on 9/9, the two days
before 9/11/06. The Windsor Star recently carried the story " Detroit on
guard for huge disaster" --
The Motor City is quite close to the Canadian border, where media said a
Canadian homegrown terror was plotting, and who would be surprised if they
crossed the border to do something in Michigan ? The exercises are
reacting to tunnel attacks, and recent exercises have practiced falling
buildings like the Twin Towers or Sears Tower .
HOUSTON, 9/11/06: This summer Houston media has said that Al Qaeda is a
strong local threat, and would like to blow up area refineries, which are
abundant around the Bayou City. The Houston media has kept a tight lid on a
series of major, market-rocking explosions in the Texas City British
Petroleum and Beaumont Exxon Mobil refineries, all of which I predicted and
published weeks in advance. I covered the subject in my 7/17/06 Lone Star
Iconoclast commentary, "9/11, 7/11, 3/11 Terror Dates -- Is there an
embedded code, and can we use it to save ourselves? --
www.lonestaricon.com/absolutenm/anmviewer.asp. If there
is a petro-9/11 the biggest city of the Bush home state, look for Big Oil to
make a killing on price changes -- and for that reason keep a close eye on
them and their refineries.
A Pair of Points: The What and How
We Americans want our liberty back, especially our liberty from state
terror, but we must pay for it with simple and sensible efforts to behave
like a free people. In the 19th Century the American Wendell Phillips wrote
"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." I urge every American to buy
back their liberty due vigilance, especially from now to the 11/7 elections.
We must speak, write and act freely, even if it is an unwelcome duty from
which too many have hitherto hidden. As a lifelong military man, I swore an
oath in 1977 to defend my country and its constitution against all enemies,
foreign and domestic. Writing and posting this commentary is my way of that
duty, that I still carry in my middle years, even if it means they may be my
last years.
It is worthwhile to oppose the tyranny of our times because it's clear --
at least to me -- that we shall regain our balance. Five years ago we lost
it badly when we were shoved into a quicksand war from behind, then told
that the people the Neocons wanted us to attack had done the shoving. It
was all a lie. Our true enemies are apparent now, and becoming more
apparent with each passing day. The once-powerful Neocons are but a poor
copy of the real Nazis who proclaimed and pursued a Thousand Year Reich.
Their war plan has failed, their New Ameican Century, which was the
proclamation and pursuit of their Republican Reich.
# # #
Captain Eric H. May is the founder and commander of Ghost Troop, the
300-strong 911 Truth Movement's cyber-cavalry unit, made up of of military
and police veterans, along with citizen researchers and activists. His most
recent interview and Iconoclast articles are available via Visibility 9-11