LOCAL Interview :: Labor
D&S Interviews Chicago's David Schweickart on a New Vision of Socialism
SoldarityEconomy.Net, a Chicago-based 'think tank without walls', has redesigned its site for more interaction from viewers, plus its just looks a lot nicer. So if you're into Gramsci, Gorz, the solidarity and social market economies, workers control, ending wars and injustices, with a radical new vision combined with pragmatic 'high road' structural reform, take a look....CarlD

After Capitalism? Economic Democracy.
An Interview with David Schweickart
by Thad Williamson, Dollars & Sense
David Schweickart
What might a post-capitalist future look like?
That is the question David Schweickart has been writing about for a quarter century, most recently in his book After Capitalism (Rowman & Littlefield). Schweickart’s vision of an economy that democratizes both work and investment is a model of clarity and comprehensiveness - and might yet help inspire a genuinely democratic future. Schweickart, who teaches philosophy at Loyola University Chicago, spoke to Dollars & Sense following a recent speech to progressive activists in Boston.
For the full interview, go to: