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LOCAL Announcement :: International Relations

Eyewitness account Iraq/Palestine - Wheels of Justice - Chicago August 27th

The Wheels of Justice Tour 2006

Having seen and lived with war, terror and occupation in Iraq and Palestine, participants in the Wheels of Justice offer first-hand experience irrespective of partisan politics and sound bite sloganeering. The Wheels of Justice Tour canvasses the United States with education, outreach, training, active non-violent resistance, and network/community-building.

Date: Sunday, August 27th 2006

Location: Wellington Avenue United Church of Christ, Sanctuary
615 W. Wellington Avenue
Chicago, IL 60657

Time: 12:00 Noon


Cliff Kindy:
Cliff Kindy is an organic market gardener, war tax resister, and pacifist. He has long been active with Christian Peacemaker Teams in Chiapas, Colombia, Palestine, Vieques, and First Nation struggles in North America and most recently spent three years in Iraq, five months each year. He stayed in Iraq throughout much of "shock and awe" and presently is part of a nonviolent campaign to end the production of depleted uranium weaponry here in the US.
Dave Corcoran:

Born: Chillicothe, Ohio 6/24/34
Ordained Catholic Priest: 5/28/60
Served in 6 parishes over eleven years
Married: Barbara Corcoran 1/18/72
Adopted three Korean Children: Thomas, Christina, Andrew
BA: College of St. Charles Borromeo, Columbus, Ohio 1954
M.Ed.: Loyola University of Chicago: 1972
Hospital Chaplain: Loyola University Medical Center, Maywood, IL 28 years
Currently a Reserve Corps member of Christian Peacemaker Teams – Dave has worked with CPT in Palestine in 2005-2006

For more information, please contact:
Dan Pearson
Phone: (773)-878-3815
Email: dan (at)



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