Dear CRLN Members & Friends:
We just received this important notice from the Northern Illinois Conference of the United Methodist Church and the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights. We invite you to participate in this emergency ecumenical service on Friday in support of immigration rights, and in particular, Elvira Arellano and her son.
Gary L. Cozette, Director
Chicago Religious Leadership Network on Latin America (CRLN)
4750 N. Sheridan Rd #429, Chicago, IL 60640 USA
Tel: 773/293-2964 Fax: 773/293-3677 E-Mail:
gcozette (at)
Friday, August 18th at 7 p.m. - there will be an ecumenical service at Adelberto United Methodist Church, 2716 W.
Division Street in Chicago, in support of their decision to be a sanctuary to Elvira Arellano and her son and for all those families being torn apart by immigration laws and policies which treat families unjustly.
We are asking for your presence at the ecumenical service at Adalberto, 2716 W. Division Street, Chicago, tomorrow night at 7 p.m.
Karen Hundrieser, Secretary