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9/11 Cover Up: The Movie

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Google recently launched its new video search engine, and immediately one of the most searched for a watched videos was "9/11 Cover Up," a documentary asking a lot of important questions about the 9/11 attacks. The entire one hour and twenty minute video can be watched with DSL or Broadband using the following URL:

This documentary touches upon a lot of mysteries shrouding the 9/11 attacks, such as: why did the twin towers implode the same way buildings do in planned demolitions; why was no airliner debris seen at the Pentagon; why were there no bodily remains recovered at the site of the United 93 crash; and why were the black boxes (made out of the strongest materials known to man) never recovered, when a passport (made out of paper) from one of the alleged terrorists was?

This movie is well researched and includes some very startling footage from that day. It does have its flaws. A lot of facts are brought up for discussion but never really discussed. Instead, the narrator draws too many conclusions of his own, when other possibilities exist. The narrator should allow his audience to draw their own conclusions; the facts presented are strong enough for that. Also, the narrator's voice at times sounds a little whiney and teenage-like. The movie might be more convincing if a narrator with a deep, Walter Cronkite type voice was used. But these distractions are slight in comparison to the overwhelming evidence that everything is not what we were told when it comes to what happened on 9/11.

I think this is an important movie and a good answer to the movies about 9/11 that go along with the program, such as the new "World Trade Center" movie. "9/11 Cover Up" is not just a piece of conspiracy theory. Many of the facts presented are simply too startling to brush aside as that.

The good thing is that you can watch this movie for free. And you can also send the above URL to your friends to share the movie with and then discuss it afterwards. "9/11 Cover Up" is a must see.



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