This week the city is spraying a toxic pesticide in response to West Nile. This chemical, Anvil has not been tested for any long term effects such as cancer, but scientists warn that it is a type which is high risk for this type of health risk. We demand that the city find a safer way to deal with West Nile Virus.
Please join us for a bit of street theater Thursday, August 17 6PM at Water's Garden. We'll be stepping off around 6:30 for a Skeletons March around our neighborhood to try to get the attention of our neighbors and the media on the toxic spray, Anvil.
DATE: Thursday, August 17
LOCATION: Water's Garden (Campbell and Sunnyside)
MORE: at 6:30 proceed to take the march to Montrose and Western, to the train station, to the cafes on Lincoln Ave, and back to Water's. Learn more about the toxic Anvil pesticide danger at
Petition to stop the spray at
**Please forward**
Press concact: Julie Peterson 773 931-3987
julie (at)
Please forward
Anvil Cocktails for All
by Pete Leki
(click to hear the poem read by the author)
It's Summer in the City
And the crickets sing at night
The jets roar in the wispy clouds
But things just don't seem right…
without some…
Anvil whining down the block
Just as we sit down for dinner
Whoever got that Anvil contract
Sure turned out a winner
We get Anvil on our salsa
All up in our posole
Anvil on our pollo
Quesadillas, guacamole
Anvil on the kiddies
On Darwin, Zach and Ella
Anvil on the popsicles
And on that homeless fella
Anvil sprayed on grannies
And on the pregnant ladies
On birds and dogs and dragonflies
On daddies pushing babies
Anvil at the cafes
On your pesto and risotta
Anvil in your fine Merlot
And in your mineral water
"Don't worry. It won't hurt you."
The Public Health guys say
"And if you do get cancer
That will be years away
You can't blame it on the Anvil
Not with the toxic air
You're breathing in this City
There's already poison there:
Lead, asbestos, ozone,
Diesel fumes and soot
Mercury and arsenic
Is it so bad to put
A little bit on Anvil
Into the toxic bile?
At least we're doing something
To try to stop West Nile.
We need to show we're active
Like going off to war
Even tho the enemy
Is as toxic as the cure."
So bring it on, don't fear it.
Spray all over me,
I'm sure that it is harmless
Like Raid and DDT.