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Intellectuals in Defense of Humanity Converge in Havana

The need to move from collective awareness to transformative actions was raised as an imperative of the Network of Networks in Defense of Humanity in a meeting sponsored by that group’s Cuban chapter.
The need to move from collective awareness to transformative actions was raised as an imperative of the Network of Networks in Defense of Humanity in a meeting sponsored by that group’s Cuban chapter.

The gathering, held at the Casa de las Americas in Havana, was attended by the Cuban parliament President Ricardo Alarcon. On hand at the occasion were also Italian journalist Gianni Mina, Brazilians Marilia and Eduaro Guimaraes and Frei Betto; Puerto Rican Nelson del Castillo and Belgium’s Francois Houtart.

The renowned intellectuals spoke with their Cuban colleagues about experiences related to their work and the prospects for their movement which advocates solidarity campaigns and social and political alternatives.

Looking back at the work undertaken since the movement was founded three years ago in Mexico, Belgium sociologist and theologist Francois Houtart highlighted the importance of structuring alternatives for viable changes, starting with a full understanding of the crisis of the capitalist system.

Mina, internationally known for his revelation about the Italian media, introduced the subject of information as a tool of struggle. He discussed the possibility of offering comments on the most pressing issues on the network’s agenda, such as refuting day-by-day fabrications spread by the mainstream media.

One of the most important battles, in the view of Mina and other renowned Italian intellectuals, is that of prompting the Italian justice system to build a case against the master mind behind the murder of a citizen of his nation, Fabio di Celmo. The Italian government, he said, should press charges and demand the extradition of Luis Posada Carriles, who has admitted to supplying a mercenary with the resources to sabotage the Havana hotel where Fabio was killed.

Referring to the link between community radios and alternative media, Cuban parliament President Ricardo Alarcon commended the experience of the Committee for the Defense of Humanity of Rio de Janeiro and its successful mobilizations of various sectors of society.

Alarcon added that Cuban media should be more creative and timely in spreading information which is usually silenced or hidden by the corporate-backed press of other countries.

An emotional moment of the meeting was the dialog between Brazilian Dominic Frail Frei Betto and Cuban Reverend Raul Suarez; they discussed how believers have come to the defense of Cuban sovereignty and have denounced the dangers posed against humanity. "The fact is that we are brothers and sisters in Christ, and brothers and sisters in Castro," stressed Betto.

Speaking on behalf of the Cuban chapter, and making suggests about meetings and actions, were the head of the Jose Marti Office, Armando Hart; Ruben Zardoya, president of Havana University; and Dr. Aleida Guevara March, medical doctor and daughter of Che Guevara.

Casa de las America president Roberto Fernandez Retamar stressed that the doors of his institution will always remain open to anyone who champions the ideas of human freedom and dignity.



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