Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Miscellaneous

2006 Great Lakes Anarchist Gathering in Five Days

BOWLING GREEN, Ohio - Final Preparations are being made for the 2006 Great Lakes Anarchist Gathering in Bowling Green, Ohio, which will take place this coming Saturday and Sunday, August 19th and 20th.
BOWLING GREEN, Ohio - Final Preparations are being made for the 2006 Great Lakes Anarchist Gathering in Bowling Green, Ohio, which will take place this coming Saturday and Sunday, August 19th and 20th.

The regional anarchist gathering will be held at the UCF community center at 313 Thurstin in Bowling Green, Ohio, near Bowling Green State University, beginning at 10am Saturday, August 19th and ending Sunday night. This event is open to the public and is free to attend, though donations are always welcome.

Workshops and presentations will begin at 11am each day and end around 6pm. Following the workshops there will be live music, films, and games.

There will be workshops on direct action, communications/networking, deschooling, zines & self-publishing, hand-to-hand combat, counter-military tactics, and many other topics, as well as presentations from the I-69 Roadblock crew and a regional Anti-Racist Action caucus. The goal of this convergence is to share skills and improve our ability to interact, coordinate, and network with other anarchists in the region, so that we may all operate more safely and effectively.

Housing and some food will be provided, though due to the possibility of a large turnout it is suggested that people bring extra food, eating utensils, pillows, blankets, etc.

The workshop schedule is full at this point, but anyone interested in putting something together at the event can be provided with space to do so. Send questions or comments to typea (at)



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