LOCAL News :: Civil & Human Rights
Burge torture-probe report released today
Concluding a four-year, $7 million investigation, a special prosecutor today is scheduled to release a report on allegations that some Chicago Police led by former Cmdr. Jon Burge tortured confessions out of suspects in the '70s and '80s.
Attorneys for the men who say they were tortured expect the report will not include indictments but will offer a road map for the U.S. attorney's office to pursue federal charges against former police and prosecutors.
"I'm very hopeful it will properly condemn the systemic torture at Area 2," said Flint Taylor of the People's Law Office, referring to the detective division Burge once led. Taylor said he hopes the report addresses what role, if any, Mayor Daley had in decisions not to investigate torture allegations when he was Cook County's state's attorney. Taylor has the same hopes about Dick Devine, the current state's attorney who was the No. 2 man when Daley held the post.
The statute of limitations has run out on many of the charges that could have been filed if evidence had been gathered at the time that police may have tortured suspects or prosecutors abetted it.
-- Police found 'systematic' torture
Burge has never been charged with any crime but was fired from his job when the police department's Office of Professional Standards found that torture of suspects was "systematic" under him. Some of the former officers and prosecutors asked Judge Paul Biebel to prohibit the report from mentioning their names or whether they refused to testify before the grand jury. But Biebel ruled that for the most part, all of that information will be made public.
Since retired Appellate Justice Ed Egan and his deputy Robert Boyle began their investigation four years ago, 192 alleged victims or their families approached them alleging torture by police.
The report will be released this morning.