Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Media

call for submissions - Grassroots Media Festival


Submit your independently produced video work to be shown at the 4th Annual - GRASSROOTS MEDIA FESTIVAL! The Festival is a two-day outdoor celebration of Community, Culture and Alternative Media in Chicago in late August 2006.

The Deadline for submissions is August 1, 2006.

Video Submission Guidelines: Grassroots media artists/ organizations are encouraged to submit independently produced video works that explore community, cultural, and social justice themes.

Submission are open to all. People of color, women, LGBT, and youth are strongly encouraged to submit. Bilingual videos (English/ Spanish, English/ other languages) are especially welcome.

Video should be under 20 minutes in length in VHS, DVD or mini DV format, with the full title of the project(s), names of producer(s), total running time, organization name and contact information.

If your video is relevant, but over 20 minutes in length, please contact the GMF selection committee first at to discuss entry.

Please forward all submissions to
Grassroots Media Festival
c/o Thomas Yun
2649 W. Leland Ave, Apt #2
Chicago, IL 60625

Videos chosen will be screened on either Friday 8/25 or Saturday 8/26 outdoors after dusk, weather permitting, or in an alternate indoor venue. Producers will be notified and given an option to introduce their work.

For more information please contact the Grassroots Media Festival Selection Committee at 312.505.0764 or via email at

The Grassroots Media Festival (GMF) is a two-day outdoor celebration of Community, Culture and Alternative Media taking place on August 25th and 26th in Chicago's Little Village community.

The 2006 GMF will feature:
* Live Music & Cultural Performances
* Independent Video Documentaries
* Interactive Multimedia Installations
* Information on local Independent media outlets and how to get involved!

The GMF is the combined effort of independent media producers, media organizations, artists, and activists who appreciate the importance of independently produced media and diverse forms of cultural and community expression. All proceeds from the GMF are granted, via a micro grant, to support cultural or multimedia related community workshops.

To learn about the many ways you can contribute to the Grassroots Media Festival visit or contact the Planning Committee via phone at 312-505-0764.



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