Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

Commentary :: Elections & Legislation

How desperate is the IL green party?

Do they really need to trick people to get signatures?
So this nice lady comes in to coffeeshop. i then get a lecture about flash pasturazation (she is completely wrong on the issue and can't pronounce "pasturized"). Then I get a lecture on label reading. And a story about vegan gluten/wheat free things.
organic soy milk is not enough.
She then asks to sign a petition to get someone on the ballot in illinois. Ok sure, everyone should be able to be on the ballot.
As soon as she got my signature she all of a sudden realized that she forgot her money to buy something. and scurries out to her car to get the money and says she'll be right back. she never comes back.

Does the Illinois Green Party have to resort to lying and pretending to get signatures? Are they that desperate? That unpopular?

This is just a funny story that happened. I am amazed that she could'nt just be straight forward and ask for my signature. How damn hard is that? She had to lie, make me listen to a lecture that made no sense, promise to buy something, waste my time and then leave when she got what she wanted.

Well at least I know who i am not voting for in the elections.

By the way, I put my wrong address on the petition. Guess which one that is.



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