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Chicago Media Action Alert: Key Senate vote on June 22

The COPE Act, the dismal bill under consideration in the House which stands to ruin internet freedom and community television, was unfortunately approved by the House on June 8, 2006.

But the fight for the future of American media rages on, and a companion bill in the Senate is slated for debate and a possible committee vote on Thursday, June 22.

Below is an email from our friends at, with more information and a callout for action.

Illinois residents can contact Senators Durbin and Obama directly here:
phone: (202) 224-2152
phone: (202) 224-2854

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Dear saveaccess supporter,

This is a very important week for action and we're asking you for three favors:

1) Send our letter to your senators to say "Fix S.2686 or vote NO!"
Go to

2) Send our letter to your Congressional Reps that voted for COPE and "Ask them WHY?"
Go to

3) Pass this message onto your friends and coworkers so they can do the same.

Start with the Senate letter, after finishing you will be prompted with a link to the letter for House members. A few minutes is all it takes.
If you have more time, call your Senators and ask for their position on S.2686 and express your concerns (their phone numbers appear in your
letter preview).

The Stevens' Senate Bill (S.2686) is scheduled for mark-up in the Senate Commerce Committee this Thursday. If the Bill passes the Committee vote on Thursday, it will move to the full Senate for a vote in July. The best, and possibly last, opportunity for improving the current legislation is now.

The third draft of S.2686 was released yesterday and many concerns about PEG television and net neutrality are still unresolved and unprotected.
The Bill is improving a little with each draft - so its important we keep the pressure on! For more info on S.2686, see:

The Stevens' Senate Bill (S.2686) is scheduled for mark-up in the Senate Commerce Committee this Thursday. If the Bill passes the Committee vote on Thursday, it will move to the full Senate for a vote in July. The best, and possibly last, opportunity for improving the current legislation is now.

The third draft of S.2686 was released yesterday and many concerns about PEG television and net neutrality are still unresolved and unprotected.
The Bill is improving a little with each draft - so its important we keep the pressure on! For more info on S.2686, see:

COPE HR.5252 Background
As you probably know, the COPE Bill passed by a 3-1 margin on June 8th in the House of Representatives. Most shocking, a majority of Democrats voted in support of final Bill.

COPE's primary sponsor was Rep. Barton of Texas, Chair of the House Commerce Committee. The sole beneficiaries of COPE are the phone companies who have spent millions to pass this legislation. With
majority control of the House, Barton easily controlled the legislative process and influenced which amendments were included and which weren't.
As a result, four of the eight amendments accepted for inclusion were from Texan sponsors. None of the amendments that eventually passed will
actually provide the protections they claim to. (for voting links, see:

We think such poor legislation and manipulation of the democratic process deserves a firm response. That's why we're asking you to write your Congressional Reps that voted in favor of COPE. Our letter-writing tool will only choose the Representatives in your district that voted
for COPE.

Should the Senate Bill (S.2686) receive a full Senate vote in July, it and COPE will move to 'Conference Committee' where House and Senate
Bills are resolved into one legislative Bill. This is a dangerous process given the political players involved, the heavy telco pressure, and an apparent disregard for the democratic process. One only needs to read Rep. Upton's quote on the matter:

"The Senate just needs to pass 'anything to get us into conference,' where the real decisions will be made",
- House telecommunications subcommittee Chairman Fred Upton (R-Mich.)
- see:

We will do our best to keep you informed before the legislation reaches this point.

Thanks for your effort and support!

info (at)

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This is an alert from Chicago Media Action, a Chicago activist group devoted to media issues.

Chicago Media Action, P.O. Box 14140, Chicago IL 60614-0140
Call toll-free: 1-866-260-7198
E-mail: cma (at)



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