LOCAL Announcement :: Gender & Sexuality
Stonewall Was A Riot: A Radical March for Queer Liberation
Sheffield and Fullerton
Tuesday June 27th

The Stonewall Reenactment Society presents:
STONEWALL WAS A RIOT! A Radical March for Queer Liberation
Tuesday June 27th
Sheffield and Fullerton (DePaul Quad)
On June 27th, 1969 a police raid on a popular gay bar, The Stonewall Inn, led to a series of massive riots in New York City. This marked the political awakening of a generation of gay, lesbian, bisexual, queer and trans people, and sparked a widespread militant movement for queer liberation.
In a wide departure from our militant roots, our queer leaders and organizations are more concerned about trying to make us look "Just like straights!" than fighting for queer liberation. We want to get back to a movement that encompasses all people and fights to end all oppression.
We oppose the corporate takeover of Gay Pride, as corporations have no respect or use for us as anything other than a market. We oppose the compliance of the gay and lesbian community. We oppose the collaboration of the Gay Pride Parade Committee. In particular, we oppose a hefty entrance fee that limits the parade participants to only those who can scrounge up enough money, and to corporations and politicians who can afford to show their empty support.
This march is to say to the queer community that there are other roads to liberation than mainstream straight acceptance.