LOCAL Announcement :: Elections & Legislation : Peace
PDF file on Cook County Antiwar Ballot Petition
The instructions below are very important.
cookpetition.pdf (66 k)
Petition to Put the War on the Ballot in Cook county in pdf format
Turn these in to CAWI at 3411 W Diversey, Suite One or Three, Day or Night. Don't fill out ANYTHING except the signature, names and addresses of the signers.
Signatures in handwriting. But also print in block letters NAME, Street and Number, and city/Village
They must be 18 or older, citizens and registered voters in Cook County ONLY.
No PO Boxes or abbreviations
No 'white out', mistakes can have a line drawn through it and corrected only by the signer.
No ditto marks for people at the same address
Also, Don't check the 'Yes' and 'No' Boxes. Put a piece of clear plastic or cellophane over them so signers don't accidentallly check them.
Use a completely separate sheet to get names and email addresses for listservs, if the signers want to join one.
We'll take care of the rest.