Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

Announcement :: Protest Activity

Summer of Not-So-Non-Violence Resistance

July 2006 is the month to Bring the War Home to cities across the nation with Direct Action and Civil Disobedience to shut down all metropolitan areas. Then organizers from around the world will converge on DC August 10th through the 14th to confront the true war machine.
SHUT DOWN DC: August 10th through 14th, 2006. There will be massive decentralized direct action against all government and corporate entities. The vast majority of government and corporate war profiteers are based in DC, and its time they experience war first hand. Let’s bring the war to their homes, their offices, their parties and everywhere else they go.

As long as there is a war abroad, we must also have a war at home. With the Iran war looming, the Iraq war lingering, and dozens of other wars raging, it is long past time to bring the war home.

With thousands expected to descend on our fair city, mass housing, free vegan food, and a convergence space will all be available. Mark your calendars, tell your friends, plan to come to DC August 10th through 14th, 2006.

More information and details will be coming, and our website should be up soon. Keep checking back for more details. In the meantime email bringthewarhome06 (at)



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