Third Coast Press: Recent Postings & Call for Contributors
May 18, 2006
Chicago: the city that produces the largest immigrant rights' demonstration in the entire country. The city that orginates the nation-sweeping combat boots exhibit, hlghlighting the human cost of the war in Iraq. The city that gives you…OfficeMax, with the worst paper recycling policy of the big office supplies chains??

Progressive News & Call for Contributors
Yes, it's a sea of contrasting extremes. This bastion of indierock, the city that makes underground look like pop…does actually turn to London's TimeOut for entertainment advice. Here, instead, are some fresh looks at music coming to Chicago from the international underground. Indietronica from Puerto Rico and Britpop meets power-glam…
If you like what you read, let us know. Or better yet, exercise your right to write. Contribute.
New Postings:
Eyes Wide Open: A Conversation with Activist Christin Hinajosa, by Ben Tanzer
Immigrant Rights Demonstration: Artist's Statement and Photo Essay, by Andrea Erazo
30% Post-Consumer Recycled Paper…30% Too Much For OfficeMax , by Megan Chapman
MUSIC: Interview with Puerto Rico's Balún, by César Dávila-Irizarry
MUSIC: M's "Future Women" Shady Analogy , by Alan Jacobson
REVIEW: Space Time Continuum: Chicago Becomes the New Hong Kong , by Nicholas Ivan Ladendorf
Call for Contributors:
If you're interested in writing for TCP, send your pitch (75-100 words) to one of the following section editors. Writers guidelines are in the attached.
tcp.features (at)
tcp.arts (at)
tcp.columns (at)
We're also looking for new comics, photos, and other creative work (poetry, short stories, etc.), as well as graphic designers, web designers and copy editors. Please contact one of the following to learn more:
tcp.comix (at)
Photos: (at)
Web/graphic designers, editors & general interest:
tcp.recruiting (at)
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Progressive News & Call for Contributors
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