It's our voice.
Illinois can trigger the Articles of Impeachment.
Beyond Today
NEWS: 5/9/06
Chicago Peace, Justice, and Environmental News
Illinois votes to Impeach Bush and Cheney! Make it happen! Keep up the pressure. Speak truth to power. Our letters to the members of the committee which is holding this resolution in committee could make a huge splash in the national media. Let this be our battle cry on our way into the fall elections! for more information!
We cannot impeach nationally until fall due to the Republican majority, but ILLINOIS CAN MAKE A STATEMENT which will keep up the pressure and momentum to win elections in the fall.
Tell your state legislators that you want America to believe that they will fight the good fight.
This is a vote of no confidence and it is our voice.
We NEED the Democratic Party Leadership to STAND UP and SPEAK TRUTH TO POWER!
Start fighting the good fight so that those who have given up on them will VOTE in the fall!
We are not impotent until November
We have a voice!
Tell your state legislators that you want America to believe that they will fight the good fight.
1. Sign the on-line petition
2. Write letters (see below)
3. Spread the word.
Below is text for letters you can send.
In the future, we will have ready-made postcards to make it even easier.
(Please email
beyondtoday (at) if you either have postcard printing services to donate or would like to help fund this effort. The website also has a link at the bottom of the main page for donating through paypal.)
From what we understand, these three people (below) are the ones to write at this point.
Here is what we have on our website and emailed out.
Dear Friends,
From Vermont to California, the cry for censure or impeachment of President Bush is growing louder. Thanks to Section 603 of Jefferson's Manual of the Rules of United States House of Representatives, our wishes may become a reality. Little known Rule 603 allows federal impeachment proceedings to be initiated by joint resolution of a state legislature (for details click here: )
Such a resolution has been sitting in the Rules Committee of the Illinois General Assembly since 4/25/06 and it needs to be brought to the floor (for details and to track the resolution see
We encourage you to add your voice. To make it easy and efficient here are some helpful guidelines:
1. Write to only those who have decision making power: the Speaker and the Democrats on the Rules Committee who have not yet become sponsors:
Speaker Michael Madigan
Representative Barbara Flynn Currie -- Majority Leader
Representative Gary Hannig -- Deputy Majority Leader
2. Fax or use snail mail. We're told they like a piece of paper in their hand.
They all have the same address and fax number:
300 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706
3. Your letter can be very simple. Here is an example:
Dear Speaker (or Representative):
I respectfully request that you support HJR0125, the resolution to impeach President Bush. The resolution needs to get out of Rules and on to the floor immediately.
Very truly yours,
Sign and date
4. Act quickly. Let's not let this opportunity pass us by. Apathy will only ensure another 3 years of the Bush Crime Family. But together we may become part of the solution to end their grip on our future once and for all.