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LOCAL Announcement :: Peace

North Short Peace Events in May 2006

This is a calendar of North-Shore related peace events in Evanston and nearby communities for May 2006.
* May 6th, Sing-out for Peace, 7:30-9:30 pm at the Evanston Friends Meeting House 1010 Greenleaf Street, Evanston. This is a fundraiser for CPT and will be lead by Dave Martin, founder of Chicago people's Music Network along with Amy Dixon-Kolar and Margaret Nelson

* May 7th, Lake Street Church book discussion group: "The Left Hand of God: Taking Back Our Country from the Religious Right" by Michael Lerner, 9:15-10:15 am, discussing the first 3 chapters (henceforth meeting every other Sunday).

* May 7, Oak Park - Fifth Annual Walk for a Just Peace in Israel & Palestine, 1 pm rally (Scoville Park, Lake St. & Oak Park Ave.), 1:45 walk, 3 pm buffet; Danny Glover and Phyllis Bennis will be among the speakers. see

* MAY 7 @ 3 P.M.JOHN MURTHA SPEAKING IN EVANSTON Rep. Rep. Jan Schakowski is hosting Rep. John Murtha of Pennsylvania in a town-hall type forum. Rep Murtha is a combat veteran, 2 Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star and has spoken out against the war in Iraq and has proposed legislation to redeploy the troops from Iraq. - Northwestern U. in Evanston at the Norris Student Union .

Addendum for Jeff Leys If you go to hear Murtha's talk, please remember that Murtha voted FOR the additional $67 billion or so in additional funding for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. He should be challenged on this contradiction in his position.

* May 20th, 2 pm, Evanston Public Library; Neighbors for Peace is showing "Power of Nightmares", a BBC documentary about the rise and current codependence of American neoconservatism and Islamic fundamentalism.

* Sun. May 21, 2:30-4:30 pm - NSPI presentation & discussion on torture, featuring Jennifer Harbury, attorney, author & activist and Patricia? Bronte,
attorney representing clients at Guantanamo Bay, Unitarian Church of Evanston, 1330 Ridge Ave.

* June 7th: Walk for Peace & Justice, led by Voices for Creative Nonviolence. 5 people will walk across Illinois, finishing July 4th in North Chicago. We can walk with them for a part of the journey (to be planned).



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