Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Commentary :: Labor

Haymarket Rebellion

April 30, Sunday, Haymarket Rebellion celebration, 11:30 AM – 4:00 PM

Since 1886, militant, independent working class organizers and socialist have gone to the Forest Park cemetery to party in the spirit of the Haymarket Rebellion. This pot- luck picnic comes together on the Sunday closest to May 1st. Many people arrive before 11:30, but everyone must leave promptly at 4:00, since the cemetery closes then. Haymarket martyrs, other prominent anarchists, and labor union organizers are buried there. One of the easiest ways to get out there is to use the O’Hare blue line El train, going west. The Cermak branch train from O’Hare airport veers off to the left, but take the other one, the Forest Park branch to the end of the line. Then, get off at the Forest Park stop and walk further west 3 or 4 blocks to the cemetery.



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