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Hush Money and Recruiting by The Art Pimps

San Francisco theatre company gets a Cease and Desist order from The Hearst Corporation for Chigao production in June.
A San Francisco Direct Action Theatre company has been ordered to shut up shop for usurping the rating icon of the Hearst owned San Francisco Chronicle as its official logo. A little man clapping is the way the arts are rated in San Franciscos only major newspaper of record. By openly violating the copyright of the Hearsts, the theatre company has challenged them to send in the cops and disrupt the performances scheduled for June in Chicago. Hearsts legal arm in New York has kept hands off several productions in San Francisco where the radical climate is too hot to intervene in an excercise of free expression. The Chicago production exposes the $1,000,000 grant by the pentagon to use theatre to lure impressionable young people to free professional performances of Shakespear's War plays (Macbeth and Othello, etc) onto military bases in the 'Red States' to be recruited. Afforded access to military equipment, unforms and gear, the plays serve as bait for recruiters who are being protested and blocked from campuses around the country. Plays that preach loyalty and the penalty for revolt, acted by snappy young actors in snappy military gear before families in 'Red States' and local communities has proven to be a major PR coup for Dan Geoia, Bush's appointee to head the National Endowment For The Arts. He initiated the program. There are subsidiary programs to induce active duty personnel to write poetry and prose, which will then be carefully selected, printed at tax payers expense, and inserted into libraries and schools in the US and abroad. The Little Man Theatre Company's artistic director, James Brightwolf, and the London Pacific Theatre Company organization, are planning a Chicago production in June. Brightwolf, an MFA graduate of the Art Institute of Chicago says, " Bringing this home to Chicago is a great treat. We were in trouble in Johannesburg in the 70's, Berlin in the 80's, and more recently in Sydney for exposing the hush money relations between the establishment arts and blatant war propaganda. Our production exposing Hewlett packard as a pimp for Saddam Hussein for thirty years of mass weapons didn't go down well in Frisco where everyone get's a little Hewlett Packard hush money for keeping their trap shut about the nasty business of war for profit." For more info contact Littlemantheatrecompany (at) This is not a non profit, but a free grass roots theatre company of volunteers who recieve no pay. It's real theatre for our time.



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