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Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Protest Activity

Anti-Minutemen5 Rally

Friday, April 21st at 3pm
Rally in Arlington Heights in support of the defnedents in the Anti-Minutemen5 case, for the rights of immigrants, and the rights of protesters!
On October 15, 2005, people of different nationalities held a peaceful protest on the public sidewalk in front of the site of a Minutemen conference, in a show of solidarity with immigrants. They chanted and spoke out against the Minutemen and in favor of immigrant rights. The response? On orders from the Minutemen, the cops attacked the protest, even though demonstrators were not preventing anyone from entering the conference, and had done nothing but chant on the sidewalk. They called in two regional special task forces, drawn from police from more than 90 surrounding cities, dogs, riot gear, and heavy artillery.

They singled out five of the most vocal activists – including the only woman at the protest wearing a hijab (Muslim head scarf), which they tore off her head in a blatant violation of her religious rights. Those five were given outrageous and trumped-up charges of resisting arrest and battery against the police officers. Some are facing potentially four years in jail. Their case goes to trial on April 25th.

On Friday April 21st we will be meeting at the Arlington Heights City Hall at 3436 N. Kennicott Ave. Please join us in solidarity with immigrants, the defendants, as well as protesters right to a peaceful demonstration! Transportation is being organzied, please contact us via the website if you need a ride or have room in your car for others.
Thank you for your support!

for more info check out:

--Send letters now- we need thousands- to the judge, asking that the case be immediately dismissed:

Judge Hyman I. Riebman
Rolling Meadows Courthouse, Dept. 107
2121 Euclid Avenue
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008

--Funds are needed very urgently; we need to raise upwards of $10,000 in legal expenses in a few weeks.
Send contributions and make checks out to:

Law Office of Jim Fennerty
36 South Wabash, Suite 1310
Chicago, IL 60603 Attn: anti-MM5



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