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CHERNOBYL AT 20: The Accident Continues

An educational series sponsored by Nuclear Energy Information Service to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Chernobyl accident
NEIS sends you this update of upcoming Chernobyl-related events of importance. In the next few weeks we will be adding additional information to our website about ways to help reverse the tragic human and health effects of the world's worst nuclear accident.

This April 26th marks the 20th anniversary of the Chernobyl Accident. For the past year the nuclear industry and friends at the IAEA have been launching a progressive media campaign to minimize the consequences of the accident, in preparation for the expansion of their “nuclear renaissance.” The first installment came last summer; the next will be two conferences – one in Minsk, Belarus, the other in Kiev, Ukraine, April 24-26 – aimed at placating international concerns about nuclear power and the effects of the accident. This is being done to prepare the public to accept an expansion of the nuclear industry worldwide. Indeed -- even Ukraine is making plans for eleven (11!) new nuclear reactors, to sell energy to the European electricity market.

One problem for them – safe-energy activists from all over the world will be there, too, with our own conference, our own data and our own experts to confront their “spin” of the world’s worst nuclear accident!

Two questions come up: 1.) where will YOU be? and 2.) what will you do to prevent another one?

We’d like to invite you to attend one of the many important events the international safe-energy and anti-nuclear community is sponsoring to make certain that no one ever again will be the victim of a nuclear accident.

Chernobyl at 20: The Accident Continues

An educational series sponsored by Nuclear Energy Information Service to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Chernobyl accident

* Tuesday April 25th:

“It Can Happen Here: Consequences of a Nuclear Accident near Chicago” – a Power Point presentation by Dr. Andrew Kanter, Physicians for Social Responsibility – Chicago Chapter, 7:00 p.m., Evanston Public Library, 1701 Orrington (at Church St.), Near Davis “L” and Metra stop. Admission free. Discussion to follow.

* Wednesday, April 26tH (20th anniversary of the accident)

Academy Award Winning Documentary, “Chernobyl Heart”
7:00 p.m., Evanston Public Library, 1701 Orrington (at Church St.)
Near Davis “L” and Metra stop. Admission free. Discussion to follow.

* Thursday, April 27th:

Academy Award Winning Documentary, “Chernobyl Heart” 7:00 p.m., Sulzer Regional Library, 4455 N. Lincoln Ave., Chicago. Near CTA Brown Line Western stop. Admission free. Discussion to follow.

April 26th marks the 20th anniversary of the Chernobyl accident. While the fires have been extinguished, the accident continues for the over 9 million people affected. Find out more about this event, and what you can do about it.

[NOTE: For the above NEIS events on April 26th and April 27th, NEIS is attempting to set up a live conversational link over the Internet with participants at the international "Chornobyl +20 -- Remembrance for the Future" Conference (see below for details) in Kiev, Ukraine. Particpants will hear remarks from conference attendees, and may have an opportunity to ask questions, technology permitting.]

Also in the Chicago Area:
* Exhibition at the Ukrainian National Museum, 721 N. Oakley Blvd. Chicago, IL 60612
(312)421-8020 info (at)



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