Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Protest Activity

Reclaim the Commons Tuesday 4/11 Update--DAY OF ACTION!!!

"I suspect some of them will be in town banging on drums and dressing up as carrots and tomatoes," said BIO President Jim Greenwood...
See details at

Reclaim The Commons against BIO!
Convergence in Chicago,
April 8th - 11th

Today, Tuesday April 11
A day for ACTION!!!

Community Gardening! 9am-3pm at Nelson St. & N. Califorina Ave. Map (a few blocks north of California stop on BLUE LINE to O'Hare)

Parade! 4:30 pm. Meet at the Merchandise Mart (N. Franklin at the river: Map | Picture), former home of Monsanto’s Chicago office. Head for the Biotech Industry Organization (BIO) Gala Reception at the Field Museum (1200 Lake Shore Drive: Map | Directions) for a “MUTANT BALL!!”

Bring LOUD NOISE-MAKERS and DRESS UP as recklessly dangerous mutant organisms--bugs & Bt corn, soy & salmon included!!

"I suspect some of them will be in town banging on drums and dressing up as carrots and tomatoes," said BIO President Jim Greenwood last week. A Republican ex-Congressman, Greenwood's cover-up of the anti-depressant scandal on behalf of Big Pharma enraged traumatized parents, and sudden sell-out to Big Biotech in 2004, were classic examples of the FrankenFood industry's "revolving door."

BIO, we will force you to SEE the resistance that is alive in our hearts, in our minds and across the globe. For your murderous exploitation of farmers, patients, children, unsuspecting consumers of dangerous unlabelled GE food, and even animals, BIO delegates will HEAR our opposition! And for the next 13 months, and when you meet again next May in Boston, you will remember our clear public outcry against the medical malpractice & food dictatorship your bioDEVASTATION reeks! Research scientists & pesticide pushers, patented genes & Terminator seeds, mutant bugs & Monsanto thugs, as revolutionary agroecology rises, shut down now or forever RIP!



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