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LOCAL Announcement :: Peace

April 20: Hear STUDS TERKEL and ANTHONY ARNOVE on "Iraq: the Logic of Withdrawl"

Iraq: The Logic of Withdrawal

STUDS TERKEL (pioneering journalist and activist)
ANTHONY ARNOVE (author, Iraq: The Logic of Withdrawal)
& JUAN TORRES (Gold Star Families for Peace)
Terkel-Arnove.pdf (2091 k)
Iraq: The Logic of Withdrawal

STUDS TERKEL (pioneering journalist and activist)
ANTHONY ARNOVE (author, Iraq: The Logic of Withdrawal)
& JUAN TORRES (Gold Star Families for Peace)

When: Thursday, April 20 @ 7pm
Where: Lecture Center A1
750 S. Halsted,
University of Illinois-Chicago

About the book:
"Arnove's analysis of the reasons for troops to be withdrawn from Iraq is brilliant." CINDY SHEEHAN

"An easy-to-read, uncorrupted account of events that led to the criminal U.S. invasion and why it only makes sense to withdraw all troops immediately." CAMILO MEJIA

Sponsored by the International Socialist Review, In These Times and the New Press.

TICKETS sold at the door:
$20 solidarity
$10 general
$5 student

CONTACT: anna (at) for more information.



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