APRIL 20th is the deadline for the far right to get 283,000 valid signatures to put an anti-gay referendum on the November ballot in Illinois, and they're no where near to getting that many.
So join us — and our distinguished speakers listed below — to Celebrate their FAILURE to push anti-Lesbian, Gay, Bi & Trans politics in Illinois.
Our distinguished invited speakers will include:
President George "I'm a compassionate conservative, except when it comes to homosexuals & Katrina victims" Bush
Cardinal "Boy" George, my "Christian charity" includes opposing equal employment, housing and access to public accommodations
Peter "I butch it up in leather & whips only so that I can investigate the homosexual lifestyle, really I do" LaBarbera
Alan "my family values include disowning my Lesbian daughter" Keyes
Reverend Senator James "Two Titles" Meeks
Click on image for a larger version

Jim "I divorced my wife, but it's those homosexuals who are destroying marriage" Oberweis
Pope "bring on the Inquisition" Ratzinger
APRIL 20TH is the deadline for them to get 283,000 valid signatures to put the referendum on the November ballot in Illinois, and they're no where near to getting that many, let alone the 500,000 they hoped to collect in order to stave off legal challenges of invalid signatures.
So join us — and our distinguished invited speakers listed above — to Celebrate their FAILURE to push anti-LGBT politics in Illinois.
7 PM
Thursday, April 20
Corner of Halsted & Roscoe, Chicago
(black tie optional)
Downloadable flyers and posters are available at our website,