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LOCAL Announcement :: Animal Rights : Environment : Globalization : Protest Activity

Reclaim the Commons! Updated Schedule of Saturday, April 8th Events

** Today is Joint International GMOpposition Day (JIGMOD) ** Official events are happening in 247 localities and 72 regions around the world -- over 1500 different actions will be carried out!!
Reclaim The Commons! Convergence in Chicago, April 8th - 11th

Today, Saturday April 8---Speakers and activists from Reclaim The Commons will participate in the Global Internet VideoConference presented by the Joint International GMOpposition Day. Other speakers will include Percy Schmeiser, Vandana Shiva, José Bové, and Subcommandante Marcos.

Reclaim the Commons' Chicago Welcome Center (New World Resource Center) is open today 10am-2pm and 5pm-9pm! See Chicago directions & maps


Festival! 2-5 pm at Federal Plaza (Adams & Dearborn) Music, speakers, art making, food, kids’ activities, circus performers, tabling & Really Really Free Market (bring something to give away or just come and get free stuff). Speakers include urban farmer and writer LaDonna Redmond, and representatives for Coalition of Imokalee Workers & Food Not Bombs.

Panel on Genetic Engineering and Human Rights – North and South. 6:30 at DePaul University, Lincoln Park Campus, Schmidt Academic Ctr. Room 154, 2320 N. Kenmore. With Anuradha Mittal, writer and international speaker on human rights, trade and agriculture; Puerto Rican author and environmental educator Carmelo Ruiz; Sarah Alexander of White Earth Land Recovery Project; and John Kinsman, Wisconson farmer and president of Family Farm Defenders. Moderated by Jeffrey Smith, author of Seeds of Deception.

** Today is Joint International GMOpposition Day (JIGMOD) ** Official events are happening in 247 localities and 72 regions around the world -- over 1500 different actions will be carried out!!

Update : Check out our updated Schedule of April 8 - 11 Events at -- including the Reclaim the Commons Festival, Panel on Human Rights and Genetic Engineering, Day of Hands-On Skillshares and Educational Workshops (schedule here), Benefit Concert, Community Gardening, Reclaim the Commons Parade and "Mutant Ball," and Protests Against BIO -- AND Spanish Page (Página en Español) here AND Media Page with RTC's April 6th Press Release!

Come join a movement about reclaiming – safe and healthy food! sustainable farms! access to healthcare! our genes! the right to save and plant seeds! community garden space! science in the public interest! the forests! intact ecosystems! the genetic integrity of all life! biodiversity! human rights for Global South farmers! a world free of genetically engineered bioweapons!


The Biotech Industry Organization (BIO) is coming to Chicago this April for their annual international convention and PR Extravaganza – BIO 2006. BIO is an organization of the world’s biggest agribusiness, pharmaceutical and bioweapons corporations.
Reclaim The Commons! is responding with four days of events, from Saturday April 8th to Tuesday April 11th, to educate, inform and link together people and movements that are working to reclaim our public space and common heritage from transnational biotech corporate interests.



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