SIGN Petition at
Chairman Fred Hampton Memorial
2337 W. Monroe
Chicago, IL
©December 4th Committee
Street Name
Street Sign with street named
Chairman Fred Hampton Way
One city block of west Monroe bordered on the west by South Western Avenue, on the east by South Oakley Blvd, on the north by West Madison, and the south by west Wilcox (map attached).
Memorial Plaque
Bronze plaque in raised concrete height and width TBA. Raised concrete encasing plague will be in grassy area at curbside of 2337 W. Monroe which said property will belong to city infinitely, without the possibility of destruction, removal, or sale. Curbside painted yellow for no parking only at area length of raised concrete.
Plaque should be read from left to right when reader is facing street, Chairman Fred Hampton Way. Left side of plaque will have the Black Panther Symbol and the likeness of Chairman Fred either neck up or full body (TBA).
Plaque with quote from Chairman Fred, with birth and death dates included..
Structure of Committee
Ad Hoc Committee "Chairman Fred Hampton Memorial" under direction of December 4th Committee.
Chairman Fred Hampton bio 1.23.06©
At a very young age, Fred Hampton's leadership ability was recognized. At the age of 14, Hampton was elected as president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored Peoples Youth Council. Under his leadership, he built the membership of that group from 30 to over 300 young members. He organized young people in demanding use of the parks, which were actually public facilities, be made accessible to young Black people as they were denied access. He fought against racism and discrimination and became known in the Chicago area as an eloquent speaker and tremendous organizer. It was at the age of 14 that Hampton's Federal Bureau of Investigation file began, with the FBI documenting his movement and activity.
The Black Panther Party burst on the scene with co-founders Minister Huey P. Newton and Chairman Bobby Seal in 1966. The Illinois Chapter set up offices on the west side of Chicago in 1968. With only a handful of members, Fred Hampton was drafted by the Black Panther Party to become the Chairman of the Illinois Chapter. Under of Chairman Fred's leadership, Illinois became the largest Chapter of the BPP.
Survival programs based on the BPP's 10 point program and platform- "What We Want.What We Believe" were implemented throughout the country. "We want land, bread, housing, education, clothing, justice, and peace" was the basis in which the BPP went out into the community and set up and organized the people in participation with these programs.
Before free breakfast or free lunch was available in public schools, the BPP organized "Free Breakfast for Children Programs" across the country. In Chicago alone, over 3,500 children per week were fed free breakfast at various church and community center sites in every part of the city. That model was adapted to set up the public schools free breakfast and lunch programs.
Under Chairman Fred's leadership, a 19 year old freshman at the University of Illinois -the Deputy Minister of Health-was drafted after hearing Chairman Fred speak. The BPP's free medical center in the Lawndale area of Chicago brought attention to a disease called "sickle cell anemia" and did testing in the community, as Black people were dying in record numbers as a result of this disease. As a result of this activity of the BPP, identification and treatment of sickle cell anemia is required of medical training to become a doctor.
Many other survival programs were implemented to serve the people and to involve them in their own fight to make "Power to the People" a reality. Chairman Fred traveled around the country and to Canada organizing the people; creating and implementing the "Rainbow Coalition".
By the governments own records, "Black on Black Crime" was at a record low during the era of the Black Panther Party.
On December 4th, 1969 two revolutionary leaders, Chairman Fred Hampton and Defense Captain Mark Clark-Peoria, IL were assassinated in Hampton's apartment at 2337 W. Monroe in a pre-dawn attack by the FBI, CIA, Chicago and State's attorney's police. Chairman Fred's legacy and life, the impact of his work is internationally recognized, and is recorded in the annals of a people fighting for freedom, etched in their hearts and minds, never to be forgotten. "You can kill a revolutionary, but you can't kill the revolution." Chairman Fred's son was born 3 weeks after his death.
- December 4th Committee
National Revolutionary Day @ GROUND ZERO annually on 12/4 @12:00 noon
P.O. BOX 368255 Chicago, Il 60636 PHONE: 773-256-9451 FAX: 773-434-7167
D4Committee (at)