Reflections on the Cook County Elections
Chicago, like Cook County, is a stronghold for rank 'n file mainstream Democrats who routinely follow the "politics as usual" approach. So it should come as no surprise to the average citizen that John Stroger would win the election and destroy any attempt to challenge the political machine, the status quo. All the rank 'n file Democrats along with all the Democratic ward bosses committed all their resources behind the Stroger re-election campaign. All the big guns in this county supported the status quo, supported the political machine. Cook County has this completely entrenched political system that demands strict allegiance and obedience from its' servants. It is an archaic and outdated machine that is unwilling to evolve, reform, or change. It is a machine that simply protects the status quo, and fears any significant change. Forrest Claypool wanted to change the political meat machine. Could he have successfully done it? Well, the voters didn't want to take a chance and decided no.
The vast resources at the disposal of the Stroger campaign was impossible to match, it was impossible to compete with. When you have access to a virtual limitless supply of resources and capital, you can successfully destroy any legitimate opposition. And this is what the Stroger team did. I am glad that I was part of a campaign team that had the courage to challenge the status quo, the dominating political machine. We fought hard and long even though the odds were strongly against us, and the machine was coming down hard on us. The lesson learned here is that you can't beat a bully, that you can't beat the political machine. Things never change here in Chicago or Cook County, and they never will either. The machine won't allow it. The "powers that be" throughout the county will not permit a challenge to their own wealth and power. They will do whatever it takes to make sure the opposition is destroyed. These are the "power brokers" of Cook County.
I guess I thought Chicago could be a politically progressive city. Of course, Chicago is a democratic city and I like that fact very much. But, Chicago is the standard rank 'n file Democratic city. It is very uninspiring to me. I thought Chicago along with Cook County could be a more socially and politically progressive center here in the Midwest. I guess not. We like the status quo here. Hey, things get done here....right? So, why rock the boat? Why would anyone want to rock the boat? Mayor Daley and President Stroger along with the legions of Democratic servants and ward bosses have mastered the art of deception and manipulation. How? Well, the city of Chicago and Cook County still provide its' citizens with basic services such as waste removal, water, police and fire protection. And the city of Chicago and Cook County even provides us with safe roads, designated bicycle trails, city park and county forest preserves along with picnic shelters, and access to Lake Michigan. It seems so wonderful, and it is wonderful. It just wreaks of public corruption and unethical behavior. Did Forrest Claypool stand a chance against the intimidating political machine if he was elected as president of the Cook County Board? Or would he have been eaten alive by the loyalists of the Old Guard? Would he have been a lame duck sitting in office? These are questions worth exploring, but I really had faith that Forest Claypool could rise above public corruption and accomplish great things for Cook County. Instead, though, the Stroger minions have decided that the "politics as usual" attitude is the best for Cook County. Again, don't rock the boat! We wouldn't want to create any ripples in the water, would we? Let's just stand in stagnant water, at least our garbage is being picked up....right?
The lesson learned here is that you need to remain loyal to the political machine, to the Daley dynasty. There is no room for dissent or independent thought in this city and county. You play by the rules of the Old Guard, or you sink like a stone down to the bottom of the lake. Chicago is not a socially or politically progressive city, it's just a standard "run of the mill" complacent democratic city as usual. And the loyalists and union contractors benefit greatly from this political machine, and they don't want to lose their power and wealth. Are the Chicago rank 'n file Democrats any better than the Republicans? I don't think so. The Chicago rank 'n file Democrats are merely Republicans in disguise with their close ties to big business and shady business dealings. Hey, but at least our garbage is being pick up. And I do cherish the city parks and the lakefront. Good job, Daley!
Reform will not be tolerated in this city or county. End of story. Accept it or move somewhere else. Things here will never change.