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Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL News :: Miscellaneous

Rollerskating Fundraiser (04/24) for Pomegranate Radical Health Collective

Pomegranate Radical Health Collective will be having a rollerskating fundraiser on April 24th from 7-9:30pm in Summit (SW suburb of Chicago) at Fleetwood Roller Rink, 7321 W. Archer (at Harlem).

Tickets are $5-$10, only available pre-sale at New World Resource Center, 1300 N. Western (near Division) or Early To Bed 5232 N. Sheridan (near Foster). If you need to rent skates, they will cost $2.

We're going to have a cake or two (both vegan, one gluten free).

Getting There: car- I-55 to exit #283/IL-43, turn L on Harlem, turn R on Archer cta- take forest park blue line to Harlem, the take the Pace Bus #307 to Archer; or take the Archer bus all the way out.



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