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Chicago Indymedia

Commentary :: Peace

Palestine Non-stop! (by Latuff)

Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people.
Click on image for a larger version

Palestine Non-stop.jpg
Since I was in the Occupied Territories of West Bank in 1999, I decided to produce copyleft artworks as a way to propagate efforts of the Palestinian people for self-determination. I'd like to present you with a whole new image, "Palestine Non-stop", following the principle that Palestinian people is unstoppable in their struggle for independence and that Palestine is the locomotive of History. Download here a high-resolution file for printing purposes (GIF file, 96KB, 4992 x 1400 pixels):
I invite you to reproduce this image in t-shirts, posters, postcards, stickers, stamps, etc.



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