In the face of McDonald’s steadfast refusal to treat farmworkers with respect, demand truly humane labor standards of its suppliers, and pay a fairer price for tomatoes in order to address farmworker poverty – poverty which has helped pad McDonald’s profits for more than 50 years – the CIW is traveling to McDonald’s backyard with a clear message: Nothing less than real rights will do!
This Sunday, March 26, a caravan of farmworkers and their allies will leave Immokalee, Florida to embark on a cross-country tour to expose the reality hidden behind McDonald's billion dollar brand and to demand fair food now from the fast-food giant! En route to a 5-mile march and rally on April 1st in Chicago, IL -- just miles from McDonald's global headquarters -- we'll be visiting schools, infoshops, union halls, churches and community centers throughout the South and Midwest including:
* Gainesville, FL - 3/26
* Atlanta, GA - 3/26
* Nashville, TN - 3/27
* Louisville, KY - 3/27
* St. Louis, MO - 3/28
* Normal, IL - 3/28
* Madison, WI - 3/29
* Milwaukee, WI - 3/30
* Indianapolis, IN - 3/28
* Champagne-Urbana, IL - 3/28
* Cincinnati, OH - 3/28
* Detroit, MI - 3/28
* Ann Arbor, MI - 3/29
* Kalamazoo, MI - 3/29
* South Bend, IN - 3/30
* Greater Chicago Area - 3/28 - 4/2
* Chicago, IL - April 1 - Major March & Rally
If we're coming through your neck of the woods, make sure you meet up with the tour! For a complete schedule of events and details on each stop, please visit
* Join us in Chicago on April 1: Major March and Rally for Farmworker Rights!
Since the is the first paid a major visit to McDonald's backyard, we need to make a strong showing. Please help us get the word out and join us in Chicago on April 1 for a major 5-mile march and rally for farmworker rights. If you would like to come to Chicago for the April 1 mobilization and need housing or other logistical assistance, contact us at organize(at) For more information on the Chicago march and rally, visit
* Organize a solidarity action with the Truth Tour!
Can't join us in Chicago or on the tour? Bring the fight for fair food to your community! Between March 26 and April 4, in support of the Student Labor Week of Action and Farmworker Awareness Week, the CIW and SFA are inviting students and youth across the country to organize educational events and McDonald's protest actions. Already over 10 events -- from San Bernardino, CA to Stony Brook, NY -- are being planned, and our goal is to reach 20. If you're interested in organizing something and need materials or event ideas, please contact us at
organize (at) For the latest campaign resources, including new flyers and audio/video, visit