Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL News :: Protest Activity

Farmworker and Allies Demand REAL RIGHTS from McDonalds in Chicago

Join the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) and allies in a March and Rally to demand that McDonald’s ensure real rights for farmworkers!

Saturday, April 1 - Chicago, IL

1pm: Rally at Rock-n-Roll McDonald’s (600 N. Clark & Ohio)
Join us for lunch, music, and speeches after the rally.

10:00 am: 5-mile march to Rock-n-Roll McDonald’s
Gather for the march at W 18th / Blue Island/ Loomis at 9:30

For almost a year, the farmworkers of the Coalition of Immokalee
Workers (CIW) and allies in the faith, student and human rights
communities have called upon McDonald’s to follow Taco Bell’s lead and
work with the CIW to address sub-poverty wages and exploitative working
conditions in McDonald’s tomato supply chain. Tomato pickers toil long
days for 45 cents per 32-lb bucket of tomatoes, with no right to
overtime pay, no health insurance, no sick leave, no paid vacation, and
no right to organize to improve these conditions. In the most extreme
cases, workers are held against their will and forced to work in
modern-day slavery rings.



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