Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Labor

Big Box Living Wage Ordinance

Email action notice from is part of a city-wide grassroots effort to pass a Living Wage Ordinance for big box stores in Chicago. The Big Box Living Wage Ordinance would require companies to pay their fair share of at least $10 an hour and offer family health coverage. You have the power to make this critical bill become law.

Take action now and tell your elected officials to support the Living Wage Ordinance.

Please sign the petition at

We all pay the price when irresponsible companies like Wal-Mart make billions but refuse to pay fair wages or provide affordable health benefits. Families suffer and taxpayers pick up the tab for housing, healthcare, and even food.

The Chicago City Council and Mayor Daley need to know that Chicagoans support a Living Wage Ordinance for big box retail stores. As the local campaign heats up this winter, your support grows more and more critical. Our elected officials need to know their constituents support a living wage.

Please sign the petition at

With the world's largest company paying poverty-level wages and passing their health care costs onto taxpayers, the time to act is now. The Living Wage Ordinance will help level the playing field for the major employers in Chicago, and reward those companies who are paying fair wages and providing health care for their employees.

Thank you for all that you do.


Paul Blank
Ron Powell
President, Local 881 UFCW



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