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Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Peace

How to End the Iraq War forum Feb 18 at 2

The Albany Park, North Park, Mayfair Neighbors for Peace and Justice invites you to a free panel presentation, with discussion to follow on How to End the Iraq War. Saturday, February 18 at 2 p.m.

The panel will include--
Alderman Joe Moore, sponsor of the Troops Out Now resolution passed by Chicago City Council,
Christine Cegelis, running for the House seat now held by Henry Hyde. She says, "It is time for us to bring our troops home now."
Bill Davis, National Coordinator of Vietnam Veterans Against the War
As well, we hope to hear from Von Steuben and North Side College Prep students

This program will be held at the Albany Park Library, 5150 N. Kimball Ave (a half mile north of the last Brown line stop. The Kimball bus stops right at the corner of the library.)

For further information, call 773.250.3335 or write justice.yes (at)



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