Stew Albert, leading member of the "Youth International Party" (Yippie!,) an unindicted co-conspirator in the infamous Chicago 1968 "Conspiracy Trial," an instigator of People's Park and so much more - died peacefully yesterday, January 30, surrounded by Judy, Jessica and his many friends.
Albert had incurable and inoperable liver cancer, but his belief in a better world and his unfaltering activism, kept him busy until the very last moments of his life. On January 30, 2006, the following notice was posted on his weblog:
Day in the Life: Stew died today, January 30, 2006 at 3:20 a.m, age 66. Peacefully, in his sleep, surrounded by Judy, Jessica and his many friends. Funeral services this Wednesday, Feb. 1 at Havurah Shalom in Portland. More will be posted.
If you knew Albert, knew of him, or never heard of him, you owe it to yourself to visit his weblog and read what he had been writing - a personal log by an American radical activist who knew he was dying of cancer, but stoically continued to rant against empire. His words were a bitter sweet mixture of hope and despair, a yearning for justice in a world gone mad, and an attempt to find healing both personal and collective. He heroically faced death while urging us all on to continue in our efforts to defend the downtrodden, right wrongs, and fight the "good fight."
Stew Albert - a Yippie until the very end. His journey in this world is over, and his spirit will be missed. Rest in peace brother.
Stew's reading room.