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LOCAL News :: Protest Activity

Bush in Chicago on Friday?

Gay Liberation Network web site says Bush to speak in Chicago on Friday, January 6.

George Bush Protest Info Confirmed
Help Us PROTEST This Scapegoater of Gays, Promoter of Wars
We have just learned that George W. Bush will be speaking at the Chicago Hilton & Towers, 720 S. Michigan Avenue, on Friday, January 6th.

In typically cowardly fashion, he will be speaking before a hand-picked audience -- only members of the elite Economic Club of Chicago and selected guests will be allowed the "privilege" of paying $125 to hear W in the Hilton's International Ballroom.

Members of the Club are being told to show up at 10 am, presumably for security clearance. Doors of the Ballroom open at 11 am, with a luncheon at noon.

We invite you to join the Gay Liberation Network and other individuals and organizations to PROTEST against the President:

11 AM
Friday, January 6th
Chicago Hilton & Towers



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