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Lawsuits arising out of Dean’s unconstitutional appointment policies in Vermont still costing Vermonters.
In the mid 1990’s Howard Dean adopted a policy of appointing judges willing to subvert the Bill of Rights in favor of common sense. See Governor Court Picks Stir Critics, Rutland Herald, July, 30, 1997. Keeping true to his promise Dean appointed two Judges within months of his infamous declaration; Judge Nancy Corsones and Judge Patricia Zimmerman.

These jurists engineered a plan to ban unpopular reporters and critics from Vermont courthouses for life. The State of Vermont just settled a suit against one of these banished “citizen-reporters” for $200,000. In a state with a tiny population of 500,000 this is a significant award. This figure doesn’t include the labor invested by Dean’s best friend and top appointee Attorney General William Sorrell’s six years of plundering the Vermont Attorney General’s office budget to defend and support this highly unconstitutional behavior.

The two Dean appointed judges however were dismissed from the case because of judicial immunity. The courts found only lower level non-judge employees could be held accountable.

It shouldn’t surprise anyone that Dean and his top appointee, Vermont Attorney General William Sorrell, have fought viscously to seal Dean’s gubernatorial records and the dirt that resides therein. Hard to say how long the State of Vermont will be paying for the blunders and outright illegal behavior of Howard Dean. There are more lawsuits out there arising out of the behavior of top Dean appointees. Its only a matter of time before Dean’s legacy in Vermont is revealed as one of the biggest failures in modern politics.

See also…

-- Scott Huminski
s_huminski (at)



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