Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

Commentary :: International Relations : Media : Right Wing

Harvesting Information that is Truthful and Constructive

We will sharpen the sword of our grievances for a Day of Judgment. We will raise it up against draconian and judicially ignorant perpetrators of religious-political prostitution, prohibition, organized crime, suppression, desolation, terrorism and death.

News anchors and journalists of Corporate Media fail to give credence to Indy Media, because they fear that positive acknowledgment would be far costlier than profitable.

Corporate Media never mentions Indy Media. To justify this, Corporate Mediums assert that the anonymous publishing format of Indy Media leads to unaccountability, misinformation, confusion, chaos, and anarchy. This is their only defense for not associating with us; anonymous publishers are not considered credible sources of information. So let us ask Corporate Media to provide Indy Media with ‘official’ uploads of ‘valid’ news, in order to clarify any ‘misinformation’ that might concern them or their shareholders or society in general.

The power of the people to upload ideas and link with virtually instantaneous interaction is a greater concern to the masters of Corporate Media than chaos and anarchy. Corporate Media have always existed - even amidst chaos and anarchy.

Scattered within the chaos of the mighty scroll that we call the Internet is the truth about an elusive Day of Judgment that the priests of establishment can no more endorse or deny than the news anchors and journalists of Corporate Media.

We will use Independent Mediums to bring our information together and declare what the Day of Judgment is, where it will be, when it will be, why it will be, and who is worthy to proceed first in judging and being judged. In this capacity, Indy Media will bring a Day of Judgment to fruition, just as the overseers of societal control have feared. And just as they have feared, their enemies will make a strong case against them, before the witness throne of a truthful medium that is not corrupted by corporate sponsorship interests.

We will sharpen the sword of our grievances for a Day of Judgment. We will raise it up against draconian and judicially ignorant perpetrators of religious-political prostitution, prohibition, organized crime, suppression, desolation, terrorism and death.

Intellectual snobs will not deter our move to FORWARD THE JUDGMENT against ‘Babylon’ and the damning sorceries She conjures behind the veil of Her Dependent Mediums. We will remove the Whore from the gate of God and lock Her away with the keys of the kingdom. We will open up what no man can shut, and seal up what no man can open. We will FORWARD THE JUDGMENT.



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