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Chicago Indymedia

Announcement :: Media


Impact press has been running for 10 years out of flordia, producing a dIy and radical magazines to activist for years. The magazine has been distibruted for free to distros, infoshops, book and music stores, through out the country
IMPACT is facing a tough decision in the next few weeks. This forthcoming issue, WINTER 2006, is falling well short of the advertising necessary to cover the costs. In the past, I've covered the difference, chipping in several thousand dollars over the last couple years. However, this issue may be as much as $2,000 short (maybe even a little more).

I have a few options:
1) Put out this issue, pay the difference out of my pocket and fold the magazine
2) Put out this issue, pay the difference out of my pocket and hope the SPRING issue makes it up (which isn't too likely)
3) Skip this issue and refocus for the SPRING issue (out in early April), moving any content (and art) to that issue if still timely

Obviously, none of these options are ideal. I've been doing IMPACT for nearly TEN years now, so it's tough for me to deal with the struggles when I would have hoped that, by now, the magazine would be self-sufficient. Nonetheless, here I am, with a magazine that isn't doing so well financially. However, the SPRING issue looks to do a lot better and that's what is preventing me from just closing shop. I'm also not a quitter and still love doing the magazine.

So, I just wanted to give all of you (the people who help to make IMPACT great) a heads up. This is especially relevant for those of you (writers, artists, etc.) who have contributed to the WINTER issue. If it is cancelled, that content will be moved to the SPRING issue if it's not out of date. Those who are still working on content/art for the WINTER issue, please keep going. I am hopefully that some new ads will come in this week, although I doubt I could get enough. Still, hopefully most of what you are working on will remain applicable for the SPRING issue. For those of you who end up doing something that can't be used, you have my most sincere apologies and I hope you can be understanding of the situation that the magazine is in.

If you have any questions, please let me know. Sorry for the uncertainty.


and if you can donate.



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