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Video: "Glaring Pain: A Tribute to Filiberto"

Filiberto Ojeda Rios was a courageous leader of the Puerto Rican Independence Movement who was assassinated by the FBI on September 23rd, 2005. He was shot by a sniper and left for several hours to bleed to death.
Filiberto was the founder of the Boricua Popular Army, Los Macheteros (the Machete Wielders), and was living underground at the time of his criminal murder.

The killing of Filiberto Ojeda by the FBI has united Puerto Ricans in a way not seen since the struggle to stop the use of Vieques for military practices. Most people in the Island believe that Ojeda was killed in a premeditated and cruel fashion, a feeling that has lead to a collective sense of overwhelming grief and indignation.

As Puerto Ricans who reside in the U.S., we cordially invite you to watch our humble tribute to Filiberto. It is our hope that it will serve as a reminder that, through our unity and the continuation of his struggle, Filiberto’s ideals will live on well beyond his death.

Below is the English translation to the poem/song chosen for the tribute:

(translation by Clayton Eshleman & José Rubia Barcia)

At the end of the battle,
and the combatant dead, a man came toward him
and said: "Don't die; I love you some much!"
But the corpse, alas! kept on dying.

Two approached him and repeated:
"Don't leave us! Be brave! Return to life!"
But the corpse, alas! kept on dying.

Twenty, a hundred, a thousand, five hundred thousand, came up to him,
crying out: "So much love and no power against death!"
But the corpse, alas! kept on dying.

Millions of persons surrounded him,
with a common plea: "Do not leave us, brother!"
But the corpse, alas! kept on dying.

Then, all the inhabitants of the earth
surrounded him; the corpse looked at them sadly, moved;
he sat up slowly,
embraced the first man; started to walk...

César Vallejo (1937)

To watch the tribute, just click on the following link and then click again on the “Windows” logo at the bottom-left corner of the page.


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