If you are richa nd an evacuee, FEMA and the Red Cross has money for you. If you are a homeless evacuee, a camper, traveler or any misfortunate person without a home in the evacuated city and not rich, FEMA/RED CROSS SAY DROP DEAD
I had recently left Michigan and was on my way down south to relocate to Texas with hopes of raising money to do a documentary on my late friend, Author Gerald Grimmett. I had done numerous cable access shows while in Grand Rapids/Kalamazoo, Michigan. I had become weary of working for a Michigan Real Estate Attny whom I will call "Snotbeard". This attorney enjoyed leasing to minorities and people who could barely pay their rent so he would be able to serve them with subpoenas to appear in court and then he could add his attorney and legal fees.
Snotbeard loved the "N" word. He used it often.
So I was off to the Southland, where I ran into the Bob Wingate who evacuated Van Cleave, Mississippi during Hurricane Katrina. I helped them out by making trips to the store for them from our Campground.
I saw how people with lots of money who evacuated were treated like royalty. A Louisiana Car Dealer who evacuated was given a free $100 a night cabin, free food, $2000 from the Red Cross.
While weary tent campers and homeless people were told basically to F off by FEMA. And the Red Cross.
I felt bad but no one really seemed to acre about the less to do or minorities. If you had money, there was much more. If you had little or no money. You were told and I heard this. If you are a camper or traveler you are considered homeless. We at FEMA and the Red Cross cannot help you. .
I headed down to Austin, Texas and to Houston before Hurricane Rita in my old Pontiac
held together with wires and steel ribbons with my cat "Jinx" who was thrown out into the street by "Snotbeard" .Snot beard did not really want any part of jinx after finding out Jinx was "FIV Positive" Snotbeard said Jinx had a Gay disease.
Being in Houston only a few days I was told I had to evacuate the city by the monotone Mayor of Houston, Texas and his less than compassionate colleague, Governor Perry of Texas. Whom basically was unprepared for Hurricane Rita and I an hundreds of thousands more
were stranded, sick, out of food and gas and were harassed by police and ignored by FEMA and the Red Cross while riding North on Highway 59 North evacuating Houston. In previous articles I talked about how police in small Texas towns like Corrigan basically ignored evacuees, beat the crap out of few Black ones, just because they were Black and no one could do anything about it. After all Texas Governor Perry had a script he was going by. So truth was out the window. Days after many seniors had burned to death on Highway 59 north in Dallas Area, Perryw as still claiming no catastrophes or fatalities.
I took my little bit of money and was now stuck in a small racist town for days with no water, no toilet, no food and a white police force whom would not help a Black Church that was housing
Hurricane Rita Evacuees.
I got some gas days alter and without the apartment available anymore that I was going to rent.
I headed up North to Arkansas and started the nightmare that existed for us transient people who were ignored by FEMA/Red Cross and given the label as homeless and not entitled to any help.
Roberta Adams an administrator for the RED CROSS told me that we were classified as homeless and we were not entitled to any help. Roberta Adams hung up on me when I mentioned that Bill O'Reilley show had been critical of the job the Red Cross was doing.
I saw other people at campgrounds who were confused and dazed by being displaced by Texas Governor Perry who like FEMA and the RED CROSS got away with being responsible for moms with children and others like myself freezing in campgrounds and paying our own way. While RED CROSS
In Arkansas disconnected their emails, ate in expensive restaurants and joked about minorities and people "too stupid to fill out applications correctly".
So now who knows how many lives were lost because of FEMA & the RED CROSS, How many families suffered through the pain of going from transient traveler to being homeless and broke and hungry.
I was at an Arkansas Works location which botched the paperwork of many evacuees and also met a retarded man and some minorities whose paperwork was allegedly lost in the shuffle and was not given a cent
While in Downtown Hot Springs, Arkansas I met a female photographer from New Orleans who did not have any apartment damage in New Orleans and this young white woman was given and still gets free rent, money from FEMA and the Red Cross
Had all her stuff moved out of her undamaged apartment in New Orleans and is now planning on using the money for a photo trip to Thailand, nice huh?
The job FEMA has done has been horrendous. If one disagrees with how they are treated FEMA & the Red Cross will just hang up on them. I have witnessed this debacle
And the power hungry attitude of rude, insensitive workers at FEMA and the Red Cross and the belligerent attitude of Governors whom are lying and creating a sugar coated
Report as they prepare to test the waters in the GOP 2008 Presidential bid.
Democrats Like Hillary Clinton, Sheila Jackson Lee are among members of the house who ahve ignored letters from evacuees