Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Urban Development

Urgent Open Call for Volunteers

If you have some free time this week, please help with our bus reliability study.
The Neighborhood Capital Budget Group's Campaign for Better Transit is in the middle of a 2005/6 bus reliability study. In 2004, we released a report summarizing our last bus study, called The Late State of the Buses, which found that the bus service offered by the CTA falls woefully short of excellence. In our new study, we are surveying the same routes to determine if there has been any improvement.

We are surveying selected routes this week. Volunteering will be fairly painless, and the methods of collected data are straightforward. It will only take a few hours of your time to help hold the CTA responsible for providing fair and equitable service to the whole city.

Remember, public transportation is relied on many as the sole means of conveyance to important locations, such as work, schools and appointments. 2/3 of all people who use public transportation use the bus, and when service is unreliable peoples lives and needlessly made more complicated. The Campaign for Better Transit needs you to volunteer to help hold the CTA accountable.

Contact Devin Ross at 312-939-7198 ext 3821, or email him at dross (at) All messages will be returned promptly.



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