Announcement :: Animal Rights
Ringling Bro Protest Nov 2
Hi Friend,
How are you? I hope you were able to reserve a few hours on the evening of November 2 to protest Ringling's opening night in Rosemont. I just wanted to remind you again of the details: Remember, we will be giving out $10 gift certificates to to the first 100 people who come out and stay until the end of the demonstration. Look for Elizabeth at the demo to make sure she gets your name. It would be great if you could come out to help speak up for animals!
Meet us on November 2 at 5:30 p.m. sharp at the Allstate Arena, 6920 N. Mannheim Rd., Rosemont, at the corner of Mannheim and Lunt.
And be sure to bring all your friends.
By having a strong presence at Ringling's opening night, we can show massive public support for the Elephant Protection Ordinance, which is pending in Chicago's City Council. If passed, this ordinance will completely ban the use of bullhooks, electric-shock devices, and chaining used by circuses to force elephants to perform uncomfortable, painful, and confusing acts through terrifying violence and intimidation (visit for more info). We hope that you will be a part of these groundbreaking efforts.
Please contact me if you have further questions about this protest. And please cross-post this message, the Web site, and the video clip to others who may be interested in joining this important campaign to end the abuse of animals in circuses! You may be interested to know that efforts from caring people such as yourself are really paying off—three circuses in recent years have retired their elephant acts!
Remember to dress appropriately—and warmly—for this event (for example, nice jeans or cords without holes). During these protests, we'd like to keep our message focused on the fact that animals need our help, and it's important for circusgoers to take us seriously. We have to try to appeal and relate to them as much as possible, so even if it means wearing something that you wouldn't normally wear, it's just for 90 minutes, and you'll be doing it to help animals.
Thanks so much for everything that you do for animals! PETA is thankful that you're on the Activist Network, and we encourage you to take full advantage of it by contacting us anytime with questions, requests, or concerns!
For all animals,
Stephanie Wood, Activist Liaison
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals