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LOCAL Announcement :: Children & Education : Civil & Human Rights

Save Senn Coalition Meeting

We need everyone for the Oct. 24th Save Senn meeting at Immanuel Lutheran Church, 1500 West Elmdale, at 7:00 p.m.


Oct. 24th Agenda includes
-plans for our Nov. 11th presence at Senn
-report on first monthly leafteting
-suggested change of Nov. monthly leafleting to be on Monday, Nov.7th rather than Tues. the 8th due information that the RNA dedication being on that day
- pressure against Principal Norman regarding the RNA sign that took over the Senn sign and disrespect for Friends of Senn

The movement to Save Senn came about when the Chicago Public Schools announced a plan to take over a wing of our school to install a Naval Academy –a plan that will have a negative impact on many of the excellent programs that exist at Senn HS. These include:

  • The Junior Academy - one of the city’s first and most successful schools within a school.
  • The International Baccalaureate (IB) program - which, in 2004, awarded more diplomas than any school in the city after Lincoln Park.
  • Senn’s nationally recognized Service Learning program - which has helped students perform more than 70,000 volunteer hours in this community in the past 5 years!
  • A multi-lingual TESOL program that helps kids from 70 different countries learn English… helping to make Senn Chicago’s most diverse school.

    Teachers, students, and members of the community want the CPS to know that Senn is a school on its way up, and should not be chopped up. We are calling on members of the Edgewater/Uptown neighborhoods to help us save this community resource.

    For more information please see Save Senn Coalition Web Site.



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