Interview :: Children & Education : Media : Miscellaneous
small WORLD interview with Rabbi kaltmann, Latke Larry
Interview with Rabbi Areyah Kaltmann, creator of Latke Larry, the world’s talking, action Chanukah gift.
Interview with Rabbi Areyah Kaltmann, creator of Latke Larry, the world’s talking, action Chanukah gift. We discuss who Latke Larry is; why he created Latke Larry; children of special needs; the Friendship Circle; America’s embracement of freedom of expression; how Jerry Stiller became the voice of Latke Larry; the symbolism of latkes; latke recipes; how long he has been a rabbi and why he became a rabbi; his responsibities; Chanukah becoming mainstream; dreidels and Chanukah gelt.
Featured song is “There’s Not A Violin” by Garry Jackson.
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