Original Docs on White-Skin Privilege
[After digging through an old trunk and finding the original, here's a complete, scanned PDF version of the documents that started the whole debate, first in SDS -- all factions, Weatherman, RYM2, WSA, then taken up by RYM 2, then Soujourner Truth Organization and Harper's Ferry Organization, then into the left and mass movements generally. Noel Ignatin is now Noel Ignatiev, a Harvard prof, founder of 'Race Traitor' and author of 'How the Irish Became White.' Ted Allen went on to conclude his magnum opus, 'The Invention of the White Race,' Verso, in two volumes, which is, in my opinion, one of the best works ever on the topic. Ted died earlier this year. --CarlD]
Blindspot.pdf (274 k)