"Racism and White Skin Priviledge Politics" is the topic for this month's political discussion night presented by the Chicagoland Anarchist Network (CAN).
October 10th, 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Columbia College, Hokin Center
(623 S Wabash, 1st floor)
Wheelchair Accessible
Suggested reading material:
SNCC's statement "Basis of Black Power" and the SDS, Weathermen and the Prarie Fire Organization position papers on race.
CAN is sponsoring monthly political discussions for anarchists and antiauthoritarians to share ideas on strategy, tactics, theory and practice to help build a more cohesive anarchist movement.
Also be sure to check out the "Other Chicagoland area anarchist & antiauthoritarian meetings/events" section onthe new CAN website for info on other events of interest to anarchists happening this weekend (such as the Hurricane Katrina/Rita Relief Benefit organized by DePaul Students Against the War on the 7th and the unbounbooks.org Vegan Chili Cook-Off on the 8th).