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The Butcher of New Orleans

9-11 Insider & Director of "Homeland Security" Michael Chertoff
Crimes of the State

delayed federal response, memo


didn't shift that power to Brown

until late afternoon or evening on Aug. 30,

about 36 hours after Katrina hit"



many dead babies and grandparents does it take to earn one the title of "butcher?"

A handful should be sufficient,
if the killer is a common nutcase. Dozens of dead bodies aren't required in
our mainstream sensationalist culture, certainly not hundreds, or thousands!

The buck stops where?

"Under the National Response Plan, the Homeland Security
secretary is deemed the 'principal federal official'— the overall manager
— for all major natural disasters."

"But Chertoff - not Brown - was in charge of managing the national response
to a catastrophic disaster, according to the National Response Plan, the federal
government's blueprint for how agencies will handle major natural disasters
or terrorist incidents. An order issued by President Bush in 2003 also assigned
that responsibility to the homeland security director."

Clearly Michael Chertoff
was in charge the entire time. Which means that when FEMA actively
every conceivable manner of aid and rescue from arriving -- or entering
into -- New Orleans and Jefferson Parishes, Michael Chertoff was directly responsible
for the needless deaths that resulted. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff
should be arrested immediately for murder, or at least for "manslaughter."



Sander Hicks has investigated
Michael Chertoff for his newly released book: The
Big Wedding, 9/11...
Hicks provided some crucial information about
Chertoff in a radio interview with Dave Emory on WFMU's For the Record (mp3):

"Their attorney
happened to be Michael Chertoff"

"(Michael Chertoff)
just happened to be the defender of these Egyptians who were financiers of
Osama bin Laden. And it's an incredible anomaly, and it should have completely
spoiled his chances for becoming Director of Homeland Security, however there
seemed to be an extremely tight media blackout.

"(NJ State investigators)
found ten million. Five million [$] was still missing, still unaccounted for.
It looks like that ended up in the hands of Osama bin Laden. So, Dr. Magdy
Elamir had a lot to answer for. But he hired one of the most powerful attorneys
at the time: Michael Chertoff (...) and Chertoff got him off. And Magdy Elamir
never went to jail.

"And, [undercover
Randy Glass first tipped me off to this because Randy Glass
was interfacing with Magdy Elamir's brother Mohammad Elamir who was trying
to arrange for a major international arms shipment.

"This is what Randy
Glass said. Around the time of Chertoff's confirmation hearings, Glass contacted
[Washington Post reporter John] Mintz.

"Glass remembers:
John [Mintz] loved it, Chertoff, that whole piece. All of a sudden
John called me up and said, 'Randy listen, they're not letting me run with
it. Something funny's going on. I've talked to other people in the biz. There's
a lot of strings being pulled in town. Everytning you told me is true.
We verified everything.

Randy Glass told Sander
Hicks about the "media blackout." Sander Hicks called up John Mintz
at the Washington Post, and relays the following conversation:

Hicks: "This
is what Randy Glass said. Is it true?"

Mintz: "You
can't quote me verbatim. (...) It's all a lie. Everything Randy Glass told
you is a lie. This is obviously some sort of conspiracy theory."

Hicks: "Well,
now hold on a second Mr. Mintz. This is not a conspiracy theory when the State
of New Jersey takes over Dr. Magdy Elamir's HMO, my friend, and finds a blatant
$5 million missing. It's hardly in the realm of theory. And Chertoff defends
this guy."

Hicks: "I also talked to John Vicente (sp?) at the Palm
Beach Post (...) And he said he had the same reaction. He tried to do a story
on Chertoff's connections to financiers of Osama bin Laden, and his editors
wouldn't let him do the story."

Of more importance than
the case of the missing $5 million, Michael Chertoff was selected to head up
the Department of Justice's Criminal Division. This put him in charge of the
FBI's terrorist financing (blocked) investigations, in the wake of September
11th 2001.

Hicks: "(Chertoff)
headed up Operation Greenquest. So he was supposed to be the guy tracking
down the financial network of international terror, which was really ironic
because the appointment as Greenquest head overlapped by about a month with
his private practice of DEFENDING a key proponent of 5 million dollars of
Islamic terror financing
. So go ahead an riddle me that. You know, tell
me how that works."

Chertoff's client, Dr.
Magdy Elamir, had some actual links to Islamic terrorist networks, as reported
. An intelligence report, given to the chairman of the House International
Relations Committee implicates Dr. Elamir:

Dateline NBC:
"Should counterterrorism investigators take an interest in Dr. el Amir?
Well, take a look at this document obtained by DATELINE last fall. A foreign
intelligence report that makes a startling allegation about the doctor, that
he has had financial ties with Osama bin Laden for years. The report was given
to a senior member of Congress, Ben Gilman, back in 1998 when he was chairman
of the House International Relations Committee."

It's also telling that
nothing was done by FEDERAL investigators regarding the Dr. Elamir/bin Laden
connection. Years later, it was NJ STATE investigators who did the work of prosecuting

Michael Chertoff headed
up the "Greenquest" (non) investigation while he was at the Department
of Justice. There, at DOJ, he deliberately covered up whatever terror financing
links were known, as reported in an important exposé in Newsweek.

At that point in time,
the new Department of Homeland Security (led by Tom Ridge) was spearheading
its own anti-terror financing investigation, but the DOJ/FBI people, led by
Michael Chertoff, were fighting them to keep the information a secret.

Newsweek (Dec. 10,

"The FBI-Justice
move [to take over the investigation], pushed by DOJ Criminal Division
chief Michael Chertoff and Deputy Attorney General
Larry Thompson, has enraged Homeland Security officials, however. They
accuse the bureau [Chertoff] of sabotaging Greenquest investigations—by
failing to turn over critical information to their agents—and trying
to obscure a decadelong record of lethargy [actually
criminal obstruction
] in which FBI offices failed to aggressively pursue
terror-finance cases.

“They (the FBI)
won’t share anything with us,” said a Homeland Security official.
“Then they go to the White House and they accuse us of not sharing …
If they can’t take it over, they want to kill

This is a clear indication
that the enemy is inside the gates. The "incompetence theory" that
somehow the top levels of the intelligence bureaus keep repeatedly "failing"
is a sad farce.

The nonsense that they
sell to the ignorant public is that this is a "turf war" between agencies,
a childish rivalry that seems to enable spectacular acts of terrorism here,
which are conveniently the pretexts for serial wars in the oil-rich middle east,
long a neo-con wet dream.

The people who get caught
time and again in "failures" which directly help the alleged "terrorists"
get promoted inside this regime, up to the highest positions that the federal
government has to offer. Look up "David
on Google for more about that phenomenon.

Chertoff's "investigation"
(sic) covered up the terrorist financing so well that the Kean 9-11 Commission
could write in its report:

"Similarly we
have seen no evidence that any foreign government--or foreign government official--supplied
any funding.

Well that's odd, seeing
how the head of Pakistani Intelligence was forced to step down when FBI agents
confirmed to Indian intelligence that the Pakistani ISI chief had ordered
a $100,000 wire transfer
to alleged lead hijacker Mohammad Atta. This was
ftont page news in India, and was reported in several venues here. Not a word
about ISI chief Lt. General Mahmoud
appears in any of the 9-11 reports. This news story makes the 9-11
Commission Report a bald faced lie.

Chertoff also had a hand
in drafting the PATRIOT ACT.

Washington Post: "In
meetings with the White House, Chertoff pushed for expanded powers to conduct
secret searches, steps that civil libertarians have challenged with some success
in federal court. ("Democracy," a federal judge wrote recently in
striking down such a provision, "abhors undue secrecy.") Chertoff
labored to dismantle barriers that kept intelligence agencies from sharing
information with local law enforcement agencies."


So Who Is This Chertoff

If you're a 9-11 researcher,
then you already know that: "Chertoff's
Penned Popular Mechanics 9/11 Hit Piece
." The cousin goes
by the name of Benjamin Chertoff, whom the Hearst (yellow journalism inc.) publication
Popular Mechanics made the "senior researcher" for the piece.
This Popular Mechanics article was so ridiculously
, that it claimed:

Popular Mechanics:
"In the decade before 9/11 NORAD intercepted
only one civilian plane over North America:
golfer Payne Stewart's Learjet,
in October 1999."

If you're not laughing
out loud, it's probably because you're crying out loud.

Associated Press:
"From Sept. 11 to June, NORAD scrambled jets or diverted combat air patrols
462 times, almost seven times as often as the 67 scrambles from September
2000 to June 2001
, Martin said."

-Maj. Douglas
Martin, NORAD spokesman

Oops. The rest of that
Popular Mechanics article is an exercise in covert propaganda. The "debunking"
is primarily of wild claims that very few people --if any -- have actually made.
The substantive 9-11 allegations never appear.

, American Free Press:
"(Benjamin) Chertoff said he was
the "senior researcher" of the piece. When asked if he was related
to Michael Chertoff, he said, 'I don't know.'

"Benjamin's mother
in Pelham, New York, however, was more willing to talk. Asked if Benjamin
was related to the new Secretary of Homeland Security, Judy said, "Yes,
of course, he is a cousin."



The American Free Press
that Michael Chertoff may hold dual-citizenship as an Israeli citizen. This
charge stems from Chertoff's mother Livia helping to create the state of Israel,
and helping in a Mossad operation called "Magic Carpet," where
thousands of Yemeni Jews were flown to Israel in El Al planes in 1949-50. Israeli
law holds that children of Israeli citizens are automatically citizens of Israel.

Chertoff has denied the
allegation, and he has evaded specifics about his childhood: "I'll take
the fifth
." Chertoff's father was a rabbi, and his siblings are reported
to be ardent Zionists. Chertoff's wife Meryl is a prominent member of the Anti-Defamation
League (ADL).

This brings up a plethora
of questions about Israeli
spying in America
, and Israeli
links to the 9-11 operation

For example: why were 140
Israeli agents who were detained after 9-11, many of whom had demolitions training,
released without charge, and the matter made "classified?" Why were
the five Mossad agents who were caught
celebrating the WTC demolition
, photographing themselves holding up cigarette
lighters, released as well? And why has none of this made it into the "Independent"
9-11 Commission's "Investigation", or into the Congressional Joint

Did Michael Chertoff's
role as the head of the Department of Justice Criminal Division have something
to do with this Israeli participation cover-up?



At the time of Michael
Chertoff's Homeland Security confirmation hearings, he received lots of "Bipartisan
". This bipartisan love fest had begun way back at the inauguration
of Bill Clinton (1993):


LA Times: "When
President Clinton took office, he fired all the U.S. attorneys who had served
under his Republican predecessor except one: New Jersey U.S. Attorney Michael

That's some exceptional
guy, as the article shows. It reveals something quite out of the ordinary about
Michael Chertoff.

Not a word from anyone
in power about Chertoff's successful defense of a known bin Laden financier.
Even though the Bergen Record newspaper had published the
facts of the case
in a series of articles. This news was never picked up
nationally -- somehow not being newsworthy enough to rate a few lines in the
major press -- and they call this "freedom" and "democracy,"
ad nauseum.

Michael Chertoff was confirmed
by the senate in a vote of 98-0.



Sources and Additional

delayed federal response, memo shows
, By Jonathan S. Landay, Alison Young
and Shannon McCaffrey, Knight Ridder Newspapers, 9-13-05

RESPONSE, Put to Katrina's Test
, LA Times, By Nicole Gaouette, Alan C. Miller,
Mark Mazzetti, Doyle McManus, Josh Meyer and Kevin Sack, 9-11-05

Archives for Dave Emory

September 27, 2005: FTR #525: Interview
with Sander Hicks about The Big Wedding

of Terror
, Never before broadcast tapes of how arms merchants who may have
links to terrorism are buying arsenals of weapons, even components for nuclear
bombs, by Chris Hansen and Ann Curry, Dateline NBC, August 2, 2002

War on Terror?
Newsweek Web Exclusive, Dec. 10, 2003

: FBI Whistleblower Blows Lid Off 911

LA Weekly, Another
FBI Agent Blows the Whistle
, New evidence that the Bureau quashed another
terror probe before 9/11, by Jim Crogan

Judicial Watch, FBI Agent:
Blocked Terrorism Investigation - Sues FBI for Blocking His Attempt to Tell
the Public the Truth

Complete 9-11 Commission Report

Cover-up or Complicity
of the Bush Administration? The
Role of Pakistan's Military Intelligence (ISI) in the September 11 Attacks
by Michel Chossudovsky, Professor of Economics, University of Ottawa

Praise, Doubts About Nominee's Post-9/11 Role
, By Michael Powell and Michelle
Garcia, Washington Post

Cousin Penned Popular Mechanics 9/11 Hit Piece
, Chistopher Bollyn for American
Free Press | March 7 2005

Mechanics Attacks Its "9/11 LIES" Straw Man
, by Jim Hoffman Version
1.2, February 9, 2005

Douglas Martin, NORAD spokesman
, Military now notified immediately of unusual
air traffic events, LESLIE MILLER; Associated Press Writer

Nomination Gets Bipartisan Praise
, DONNA DE LA CRUZ, Associated Press Writer

Bush's new homeland chief shield terror ring in NJ?
, Madcow Morning News,
Daniel Hopsicker

, AFP, Christopher Bollyn

Is Spying In And On The U.S.?
Published: 12/12/01 FOX News. Part 1 of a
4 part series:, Carl Cameron

, By Wayne Madsen





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